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Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 701


Damn, 'Every Day I Knob You Less And Less' is only a few posts up.
smiley - sorry

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 702

Bobaah - MxLxHxC

i've just read through the entire backlog and i've found some that i do not believe to be in there at all.

The Who - 'Knob', reign o'er me
James Blunt - Goodbye my 'Knob'ber
Miles Davis - 'Knob', i've found you
Fatboy Slim - 'Knob' Island
Andrew W.K. - I 'Knob' New York City
Kraftwork - Computer 'Knob'

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 703


Foolish Knob (Grateful Dead)
I'll Never Knob Again (Tom Jones)

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 704


Sisters of Mercy - Temple of Knob
The Doors - Knob Street + Knob me two times

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 705

urchinvic - the budgies are restless

another good word to use is "arse", in place of "heart". If you really like this type of humour, i suggest buying "The Shirehorses- Our Kid Eh", or "The worst album in the World....Ever!" I laughed til I cried, especially at "A*******s" (Robbie Williams Angels).Warning though- you will never listen to the normal versions of these songs without harking back to the Mark and Lard versions, then you will laugh out loud for what seems like absolutley no reason to your friends/colleagues, etc. smiley - biggrinsmiley - laugh

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 706

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

don't know if this ones been done......TAINTED KNOB...smiley - run

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 707

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

i've had my 1st warning from the bbc over me last post on this site [been on hootoo 1 1/2 yrs] warning was sent to my e mail address but how come i can still see my offensive post....

and if my post is offensive then that makes every post on here offensive... or was it only me singled out... it was to do with the word knob which is the entire point of this thread....

please note the use of the word knob is entirely innocent in this case... seems a bit big brother to me!!

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 708


Hmm, I agree with you there, flakey. Can you think of any other reason for you to be warned?

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 709

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

no it was definitely about my tainted k*ob post.... i think its a bit over the top... its all in fun.. i hardly ever post on hootoo much anymore, only keep up with the film thread.. whats happening to hootoo??

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 710

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

>i suggest buying "The Shirehorses- Our Kid Eh", or "The worst album in the World....Ever!"<

Well said! 'Sheena Easton's a Punk Rocker' - my four year old loves that!

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 711


It's rather strange that everyone else has been knobbing away to their heart's content and yet it's only you who gets the warning.

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 712

urchinvic - the budgies are restless

Magwitch: Aah, a fellow Shhhhhhhirehorses fan. My personal fave is Space oddity "ground control to ginger tom....take your worming pills and put your flea collar on". Ha ha!! God, i miss Mark and Lard. smiley - sadface

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 713

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

thats how i felt laconian.. but heres what happened someone must have yikesed me over my k*ob post and they removed the post without really checking the surrounds of it.. they did then realise reinstated it but the e mail had already been sent...

they did apologise and i've never been a previous offender.. must admit i was a bit miffed at first.. i mean who yikesed me?? and what did they expect looking into a thread with this title.. anyone with half a brain knows that its a smutty inuendo thread but harmless funsmiley - ok

smiley - biggrin

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 714


smiley - wow i knob this thread, cant believe i missed it

Anyroad, this one might have been done already, so if it has thensmiley - tongueout

AC/DC - 'Let me put my knob into you' smiley - biggrin

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 715

Moonhogg - Captain Coffee Break

Incidentally, Tainted Knob was mentioned in post 10 of this thread, and nobody complained then...

This isn't a complaint at you, FL, we've all repeated a plst at some point - 700 is a lot to go back through!

Anyway, anyone heard of the old Paul McCartney song, Silly Knob Songs?

Knob Will Find A Way, by Yes?

It's A KnobAche by Bonnie Tyler?

And her other one, Total Eclipse of the Knob?

And whoever suggested the St Winifred's School Choir deserves shooting for that one!! smiley - evilgrin
(Again, apologies if they're on already - 700 back posts to go through, only 15 minutes for my teabreak!)

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 716

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

just look at you lot knobbing away to your hearts content with naer a yikes in sight... my very 1st post to this established thread and i'm yikesed.... and people call me paranoid..

now will you believe me.. i have victim written all over me... just call me marvin from now on...

i love the last few postssmiley - laughsmiley - ok

keep it up... i knob [looks round furtively] you all!!!

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 717

HarpoNotMarx (((2*1)^6)-6-(2*8)=42

Knob will tear us apart..

smiley - musicalnote
Knob, knob me do
You know I knob you
I'll always be true
So plea..ea.ea.ea.ease
Knob me do

We all knob your posts, Flakey, with all our knobs

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 718

flakey-lady.... you lookin' at me punk?

ahhhh be still my aching knobsmiley - blush [intruders LOOK at the whole content... its just a joke really]

still feeling a bit paranoid.

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 719

Magwitch - My name is Mags and I am funky.

Don't be, FL But please;

smiley - musicalnote Don't break my knob, my achey breakey knobsmiley - musicalnote

Best song titles made funnier by replacing the word "love" or "heart" with the word "knob"

Post 720


Knob on the Rocks With No Ice
- The Darkness

Cant Get Enough of Your Knob
- Barry White

Just Show Me How To Knob You
- Sarah Brightman

Knob from Above
- Paul Van Dyke

Knob Is No Big Truth
- Kings of Convenience

Rocket Knob
- Stevie Wonder

All This Knob
- The Similou

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