A Conversation for The h2g2 RPG Club

Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 261

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Most of the time I have no idea what you are talking about. smiley - laugh With a bit more information your posts would make more sense, I guess, but then I don't play the game so maybe I'm in a bad position to say this.smiley - winkeye

Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 262


Sure I'll join you! I'm only on sporadically. I thought of trying to find you last night, and then got involved in a Guild discussion about... something, can't remember what. It was certainly nothing of importance, anyway, our guild is pretty low-brow and social, not particularly serious. smiley - smiley

smiley - fairy

Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 263

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'lll anser my own question: the voice of Sir Cadwell is done by John Cleese smiley - biggrin

Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 264

Titania (gone for lunch)

I think one of the barmaids at The Watch House Inn in Davon's Port is rather harch on the customers:

"You throw it up, you lick it up!" smiley - yuk

Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 265

Titania (gone for lunch)


Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 266

Titania (gone for lunch)

A youtube video of the making of The Mace of Molag Bal - in RL. And using it. Quite amusing:


Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 267

Titania (gone for lunch)

The maintenance times for the EU megaserver have been changed, yet again. The new times are Tuesday and Fridays (as before) but at 3 am BST.

You'd think they'd announce it a couple of days before the next maintenance window to give players a chance to plan their gaming but no, it was announced just before the server was taken down.

And I got up 1 hour early today to squeeze in some gaming time before going to w*rk only to discover I can't, because the server is still down smiley - facepalm

Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 268

Titania (gone for lunch)

If you, like my sourcerer, end up finding only orange (difficult) quests on your list, go back to old haunts to see if you've visited all the places so far on your map (filled in with white rather than black).

While heading for the uncompleted points on your map, look around and you might find even more locations showing up that you haven't visited yet.

And remember the Achievements. My EU sourcerer still has something left to discover in one of the starter areas. Now I'm off to google for it, because I feel shee's been all over Bleakrock Isle.

Oh, and if you get your hands on the Fangs of Sithis, stick to them and don't hand them over.

Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 269

Titania (gone for lunch)

Holy moly, the latest patch is huge - and this time I mean huge, almost 3 Gb!smiley - yikes

Details here, loads of fixes and the introduction of the adventure zone Craglorn:


Beta testers wanted for Elder Scrolls online!

Post 270

Titania (gone for lunch)

I've been told off for flooding (which is against the House Rules) this thread, among others, by posting too often with postings contributing too little, obviously.

Therefore, I'm moving my running commentary of ingame impressions and experiences to a journal.

To add at least something 'useful' to this posting, you can't advance in crafting from around level 14 (in crafting skills) until you spend skill points in the crafting of your choice.

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