The H2G2 A/S Messier Marathon
Created | Updated Apr 9, 2013
H2G2 Astronomy Society
Messier Marathon
Charting the uncharted backwaters of the Universe
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The Messier Marathon
Welcome to the H2G2 Astronomy Societies Messier Marathon If you are a budding astronomer, or you just get a kick out of looking at the wonders of the night sky, this could be for you. Charles Messier was a comet hunter at the French court of King Louis XV. During his lifetime he produced a list of objects in the night sky NOT to be confused with comets. Essentially his list is one of objects to be avoided, but perversly, it includes some of the most interesting and now, most observed sights in the sky.
An 'official' Messier Marathon is an attempt to view all 110 objects during the course of one night. Starting at dusk, working through the evening and into the wee small hours. it is theoretically possible to identify all 110 in one night. The only thing is that all 110 are only visible during one month of the year... March.
An undertaking of this magnitude would indeed be a true marathon. So, for H2 we simplified matters slightly and take things at a more leisurely, hitchhiking pace.
To participate in 'our' version, all that you need to do is to observe as many as possible of the 110 objects listed in the Messier catalogue during the course of one year, Preferably from 1 January, to 31 December. But hey. we're nothing if not flexible, so any start date you choose is fine, so long as you name it. To be included just start your own thread on this page with your H2 name and the date you begin included in the thread header. Then record your observations as you go along, incuding the date and the equipment used. (Binoculars, telescope W.H.Y.)
You will not need a telescope, although one would make the observations easier. Almost all the Messier objects can be seen with binoculars and many are visible to the naked eye, but you will need a star map showing constellations and Messier locations.
The only requirement for the purpose of this marathon is that you have observed the object within the year. Record the M number, date of observation and equipment used (if any) and post to your link at the bottom of this page. We'll keep the running total up to date and at the end of your year, if you've listed more than 75 objects, you will be awarded the completely unofficial title of H2G2 Astronomical Societies Grand Intergalactic Navigator
Point of Order
A certain controversy surrounds one of Messier's objects. M102 is thought to be a duplication of the nearby M101. Whether that is so is open to debate. Consequently, M102 may be missing from your star chart. For the purposes of this Marathon we will accept NGC 5866, a galaxy in Draco located just south-west of Iota Draconis. Its position is RA 15 06.5 Dec 55:45. This is the Spindle Galaxy and is thought to be the object referred to by Messier.
For a full list of the Messier objects see Jimi-X's edited entry Messier Objects
And to get an idea of what you're looking for see this Messier Map. Just click on each of the objects to get a larger picture and a map to find it.
No H2 Researcher has yet completed all 110 in a year, let alone in a single night. Could YOU be the first?
Observations by Entered Researchers
Finishing Totals
In 2003 when the last collective marathon was run the contestants finishing totals were as follows:
- Phil 35
- Metal Chicken 26
- Galaxy Babe 25
- Austin Morris 23
- Just Turvey 11