H2G2 Astronomical Society Questions and Answers.

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Charting the uncharted backwaters of the Universe
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Question and Answers.

4th August 2001.

This is a questions and answers page. If you have a question about astronomy and ask it here and

we’ll answer it for you. I have not had any questions yet on the subject of theory, which

is my field so I’ve included a few that, I thought up myself that I’m sure some

people will ask.

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Questions on Theory. The questions below deal with the theory of astronomy.

How old is the Universe?The age of the Universe and how we managed to work it out.

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How did the Universe begin?The origins of the Universe, how we found then out, proved them and The Big


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How will the Universe end?Three throrys about the death of the Universe and how to decide which will

be the one.

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What was it like before the Big

BEFORE the Big Bang. One of the most asked questions asked by anyone who

knows anything about the Big Bang.

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What is a Black Hole?About the most bizzare objects in the Universe and how they are


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What is a Wormhole?How to travel anywhere in the Universe in seconds.

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What is a quasar?About the brightest objects in existance but which are also the most


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What happens at the speed of

What will happen when you catch up with light. CAN you catch a light


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Is there any life out there?Are we alone? The search for ET.

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What is space made out of?The story of nothing.

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What is ‘Dark

The hunt for the missing matter of the Universe.

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Where is the centre of the Universe and where is

the edge of the Universe?
"Here is where the Universe began. Visit the Big Bang cafe and souvenir


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Question and Answers.

Questions on Astronomy. The following questions deal with Astronomy, I would like to give my thanks to Galaxy Babe for these questions.

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What is between Mars and Jupiter in our Solar System?The large belt of asteroid that sperates the terrestiral planets from the gas giants.

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How far away is the sun?The distance to our star. How far its light and heat has to travel.

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How long does it take the Moon to Orbit the Earth?Our nearest neighbour's orbit defines our months.

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How often does Halley’s Comet pay us a visit?The most famous comet and the only comet not to be named after the discoverer.

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Which planets have a
The Lord of the Rings.

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What is the giant red spot on Jupiter?The spot light is on Jupiter.

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If you would like to contact me please use this link:
Richard Derek Young.


If you would like to contact the founder, Yeliab Salohcin, please

use these two links:
yeliab@home and yeliab@uni

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