A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 281

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

"The staff here are really looking forward to having us (Down 2legs!) and will be reserving the tables from 6pm to 9pm then we get to keep what we've got. Feel free to turn up earlier if you like of course, it is a pub after all."

I will be guided by this.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 282


Some people are headed there now.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 283


I'm heading across now, just waiting at Leeds for my train. See y'all around 6

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 284

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

and some arn't smiley - wahsmiley - grovelsmiley - envysmiley - alesmiley - wahsmiley - sleepy

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 285

Secretly Not Here Any More

I'm still waiting for a Leeds train. Should be there at 7 or thereabouts.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 286


Don't be late!

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 287

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Majority here now.

Numbering around 30 at present and growing.

2legs, you will be here in spirit. About to set you as wallpaper on the computer...


smiley - musicalnote

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 288

2legs - Hey, babe, take a walk on the wild side...

smiley - wahsmiley - laughsmiley - envy Now having washed I just about feel awake enough to have considered coming... considering how long it'd take on the train that wouldn't necessarily be much use though smiley - snorksmiley - doh say hi to everyone from me smiley - wahsmiley - grovelsmiley - envy

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 289


We'll raise a glass to absent friends I'm sure smiley - cheers

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 290

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I'm gutted: I can't go. I had hoped my hangover would have subsided by now, but I just feel like absolute death.
Have a great time without me, and here's to a mini-meet some time.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 291

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - wowis all I can say, and thank you to the arrangers and huggers/kissers. Gordon was quite overwhelmed, at least for once I had a head start on him with knowing a lot of the attendees already. I'm sorry we had to leave so early but it couldn't be helped. The students enjoyed their first visit to Manchester as well!smiley - magic

smiley - biroI've just updated my List of Researchers I have met: A20561564 do shout if you're not there and can recall meeting me, let me know and I'll add you. I think I must be the "most met" Researcher! It's always great to see meet-virgins and others whom you've missed before, what a wonderful day and sorry we couldn't stay longer to see late-comers and enter the name badge competitionsmiley - galaxy

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 292

Bald Bloke

Top meet all round, Certainly the first with our own special beer and cocktail.
The Don't Panic was a great pint, Non meet goers in the pubs were giving it a good go as well as us lot!!
Cocktails are not my thing so I will leave comments as to whether the Gargleblasters achieved the desired effect to those who specialise in that field of study when they regain conciousness smiley - pggb.
All the Bars visited were excellent. smiley - biggrin
So well done Pastey for getting the essentials organised smiley - hero

I didn't realise the MOSI was so huge, I probably got round less than half of it and I don't linger too long.

The problem now will be that anyone organising a meet in the future is going to be compared with Manchester.

I'm now Southbound Santra'ing from the 11:15.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 293

Bald Bloke

And home just over 3 hrs sop not bad going for a Sunday.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 294

Malabarista - now with added pony

Just arrived back myself. Good thing it wasn't really goodbye, here you all are! smiley - magic

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 295


Can I ask everyone who went to the meet to have a quick look over here, please: A87743596


Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 296


Out of curiosity, was it Pastey's brilliant idea to meet where we did, especially the Museum of Science & Industry? What was it that made whoever decided to meet there choose that location?


Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 297


I *think* it was my idea, either that or my wife's. Or someone else's.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 298

Secretly Not Here Any More

That narrows it down...

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 299


It could have been Phil.

I really ought to get a memory sorted out.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 300


Well, it was a great idea, whoever's idea it was. If you remember the reasons behind I'd love to hear them, but the pub and museum were definitely right decisions.smiley - ok


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