A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 201

Mu Beta

Could I please nominate Post 195 as an early entrant in the category 'most wanton cruelty to the humble apostrophe 2012'?


Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 202


Feel free, but I'm almost certainly going to abuse them more before the end of the year smiley - smiley

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 203

Witty Moniker

Then I was dead wrong. Carry on.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 204

Witty Moniker

That was in reply to sirtanic, by the way.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 205

Malabarista - now with added pony

Still haven't found anywhere to stay smiley - sadface Anyone have some free floor space?

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 206

Mu Beta

I'm almost certainly going to be a no-show without somewhere free to stay as well smiley - sadface


Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 207

fords - number 1 all over heaven

You tight git B, just book a hotel room like the rest of us smiley - tongueout

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 208


Or try and persuade someone to let you stay in their hotel room.

smiley - run

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 209


smiley - lurk ... I think someone somewhere mentioned Menthol Penguin coming to the Meet, but I can't see him on the list?
smiley - run
smiley - nur
Ah! found it! It was Ictoan who said "I shall be dragging the delightfully minty Menthol Penguin (...) U7771494" in post 165.

smiley - smiley

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 210


yep, I certainly shall be!

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 211

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

I won't come smiley - sadface so I can be taken of the atendees' list.

The health problems that have kept me more or less confined to bed since the autumn has taken their tolls and I'm not fit for a trip yet. I've hoped I would feel better, but I've faced reality and realised it's not going to happen this time.

My track record last years is not getting better. I've had to cancel far too many meets.

smiley - dragon

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 212

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh queenie, how sad. smiley - sadface

Here's hoping for good health for you, and that you'll make the next meet. smiley - cheerup

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 213

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Really smiley - sorry to hear that, DQ. Was hoping to see you again. Been ages.

Maybe arrange something later in the year?

Hope you get better soon. smiley - smooch


smiley - musicalnote

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 214


Ibis booked and trains booked, so that's me down as a definite!
smiley - bluefish

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 215

Witty Moniker


Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 216


Yipee indeed, Witty! Looking forward to meeting you at last! smiley - boing
smiley - bluefish

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 217

Witty Moniker

Yep, me too! smiley - somersault

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 218


Yay Ceoly!!

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 219

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Do we have a listing of who's staying where? Not sure when I'll get to the Ibis, as I have an open ticket, but have taken Friday off, so just need to decide and book Travel Assist.

Probaly leave London around 11-12,so arrive around 14.00 to 15.00? Time to settle in the hotel, get unpacked, refreshed and maybe fed?


smiley - musicalnote

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 220

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Me? I'm currently looking up hostels.

TRiG.smiley - badger

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