A Conversation for Manchester Meet - Saturday February 18th 2012

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 261

Secretly Not Here Any More

So should I. And I definitely shouldn't have typed it. smiley - facepalm

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 262

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

Bel, you have to come. I'd hire a car and car and fetch you if I knew the route. and DVLA had returned my new driving licence. smiley - groan
Fingers crossed. smiley - goodluck


smiley - musicalnote

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 263

aka Bel - A87832164

Looks as if I'll be able to come. smiley - puff

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 264

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Yay! I went and collected train tickets today, all 8(ish) of themsmiley - sigh Combine that with some used ones I have in my wallet and I think I have enough to start a deck of cards now :P

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 265

Secretly Not Here Any More

Weather's lovely here by the way.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 266

aka Bel - A87832164

8°C and light rain, wind at 23km/h and 93% humidity? smiley - winkeye

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 267

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Looking forward to seeing you, MP. (But can't you count to 8?)

I'll be arriving an hour later than anticipated, but no great harm, I suppose.

TRiG.smiley - surfer

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 268


93% humidity is low for Manchester. After two years there I forgot my waterproof jacket was removable.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 269

Secretly Not Here Any More

It's slightly damp. Rain's mainly vertical and not particularly heavy. Just about BBQ weather.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 270

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

8°C thats practically sunny!

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 271


I'd like to sign up! Since I live in Manchester and everything smiley - smiley

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 272

Menthol Penguin - Currently revising/editing my book

Numbers over 8 confuse me, they are too large for me to handle.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 273


Don't think I'm going to make Friday night but am bringing at least two (maybe more) to our already crowded Saturday night venue. smiley - cheers

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 274


J'au-æmne, I didn't realise you lived in Machester. Although I did see someone who I thought looked a bit like how I remember you looking in the Cornerhouse last night

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 275

MMF - Keeper of Mustelids, with added P.M.A., is now in a relationship.

That's the taxi booked for 10:30 to take me to the station.

Have the worry of getting onto the train. Just hope Virgin remember to have someone waiting at Manchester to help me off. Don't want to be stranded again.

Yay! Today seems to have been a long time coming!!!

smiley - somersault


smiley - musicalnote

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 276


I didn't think I'd be able to attend due to family commitments, but I may be able to attend roughly between 12-3:30pm, but not later than that.


Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 277


Cask, noon, beer.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 278

Just Bob aka Robert Thompson, plugging my film blog cinemainferno-blog.blogspot.co.uk

I now think I'll only go to the Font thing tomorrow evening: I'm a bit poverty-stricken. Also, I suspect I'll be quite hung over tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I'll swing past Port Street some time in the afternoon though...

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 279


What time will people be getting to Font? Just looking at train times: I know I'll need to leave for home at 9ish, just wondering what time to get to Manc for.

Yes, Yes! Sign me up!

Post 280


Tomorrow? Earlyish evening onwards HI I think for Font.

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