Museum of Science and Industry Exciting Entry Proposal

4 Conversations

On Saturday 18th February many h2g2 researchers met outside, or in a pub near, the Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester. There isn't an entry on this museum in the Guide, so surely we should all write one?

My idea: what if everyone who attended the meet-up wrote a sentence or more about the museum, and we put all the sentences together and try to turn this into an entry? A truly collaborative experimental effort about a Manchester landmark1.

It doesn't have to be technical, complicated, just honest, as short and sweet as you like or a longer, more involved paragraph if you prefer. It is up to you. All I ask is that you contribute something.

What can I write?

Just write about what you saw and what you did. If you didn't look around the museum and sat and ate in the cafe then write about what you thought of the cafe, its selection, prices etc. If you enjoyed the train ride, write about that. Say what you did, what you saw and what you liked.

If you've been to the museum before, for example for a Doctor Who Exhibition or school trip, feel free to write about that. If you hung around outside, write about the outside appearance of the museum, the smell of the steam train, the cobbles, the zebra crossing, the blue post box. Write anything – it can all be relevant.

I didn't go in the museum, does that mean you don't want me to write anything?

Even if you didn't actually go inside the museum, it doesn’t mean you don't have anything of value to contribute. If you went to the pub across the road, then your experiences in getting to the pub equally apply to how people get to the museum – was it easy to get to? Was there a station/airport nearby? Did you see any signposts for the museum on your way to the pub? What did you think of the area that the pub and museum are located in?

Have you heard of the museum before? If so, when and where? If you looked up the museum on the MOSI website, tell us about the website!

Just because you did not enter the museum, it does not mean you are unable to contribute!

See the draft version so far here: Museum Of Science and Industry, Manchester, England, UK.

1Supporting, and hopefully not treading on the toes of, the Create team

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