h2g2 Post 28.11.02
Created | Updated Jul 23, 2003
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And, of course, anyone else who celebrates at this time of year. It seems very appropriate that Gnomon sent in the 'Simple Gifts' poem for us to feature at this time. Within a hectic, stressful life it can often be too easy to overlook the quieter pace of life all around us. It's all hustle and bustle at the Post Office just now as we prepare to celebrate our 3rd birthday. I never dreamed way back then that I would be sitting at 2.30 am on a Thursday morning still editing The Post. Then, it was just a small project suggested and initially set up by vegiman. Now we have a wonderful band of regular contributors and even more h2g2ers who are willing to give up their time to present their stories/observations/ups-and-downs of life in every way imaginable. This is truly a community venture and would fail without your continued support. On a personal note, may I wish Greebo a speedy recovery from whatever dreadful lurgy she has contracted. She valiantly helped me for most of today but finally had to admit defeat and retire to the lair - perhaps a few deliveries of freshly-baked doughnuts wouldn't go amiss? As you can see, we have yet another bumper issue for you. Awix returns with not one, but two reviews. The offshoots of the AGG Team continue apace with their individual articles and sea finds time for another chapter of her Quest. We hear about the upcoming Official Winter Meet and feature two reports from the recent one held in Sydney. Abi was one of the last people to arrive at the Unofficial London Meetup and so drew the short straw of having to write up a Post article about it. However, due to a series of long meetings she has failed to meet the deadline. You can find out what the dodgy bloke with a beard said to Galaxy Babe next week! Two new stories are introduced to you in readiness for regular appearances in future issues - both from old friends of The Post. We also wade through more 'Custard', see the first two entries in the Poetry Competition and find out about Social Hierachy. On the entertainment front, why not try the light-hearted 'So you Wanna Be a Guitar Hero', our latest wordsearch or join the fun of the 'So Long' gang... not forgetting the ever-popular cartoons. One more thing, then I'm through. Would the researcher who sent in a wonderful piece called 'Butlin's, conception and pleated skirts' please contact the Post Team. We would love to feature your item but don't have your h2g2 identity. Drop shazz an email and we'll use it in the birthday edition. See you next week with plenty of | |
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