A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 41


My experience is that you've got a pretty good iron, so I imagine that we'll be amazed and delighted. Thanks for all the effort.

smiley - magic

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 42


*Not* go looking for it?


smiley - blush

If it helps, I didn't find it...

smiley - fairy

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 43


Sounds good...and I really hope h2g2 expands as a result.

More people and variety are needed.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 44

Milla, h2g2 Operations

That's the plan smiley - biggrin
smiley - towel

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 45


Telling this lot to "not go look for it" is a bit like telling a five year old - I'm going out of the room for five minutes and leaving you alone - please don't open that drawer over there and eat the chocolates I've left in it"...

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 46


Ah, but if people look for it, and find it, and log in...

well, er, because we're also replacing the login system with a new update, their accounts will no longer work with the older skins unless I tell them how to activate them.

So please, if you do go looking for it. And you do find it, don't touch it for your own sakes smiley - smiley

We're really close to getting it live, so you don't have to wait long smiley - smiley

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 47

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"If it helps, I didn't find it..." [Vip]

Nor did I. Of course, that's not saying a lot, as I didn't know I was not supposed to find it anyway.

[Whisper: All too often I can't find things even if I'm supposed to be looking for them, but you didn't hear me say this smiley - blush]

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 48


Oooh, exciting!

Thanks to all the team for your hard work on this - and everything else, for that matter!

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 49

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 50

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

h2g2 brought kicking and screaming into the 21st Century? smiley - magic Looking forward to it!

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 51


I know where it is.... Of course, it couldn't really have been anywhere else... Hence the reason for the warning "So please, if you do go looking for it. And you do find it, don't touch it for your own sakes"

It's in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of The Leopard"

Ever been attacked by a hungry leopard smelling like a disused toilet?
It's not nice!

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 52



I think I found it.smiley - erm

I'll back away now.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 53


You spelled "hamsters" wrong.smiley - winkeye

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 54

Milla, h2g2 Operations

Did *not* smiley - sadfacesmiley - winkeye

smiley - towel

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 55


It *is* a pleasant error message:

"Well, I'm stumped.
I'm not sure what you've done to get this page.

You could have just typed utter rubbish in to see what happened,
or you could actually have broken the site.

We really hope it's the first one.

Either way, we've let our trained hampsters know about it
and they'll either leap into action to fix it, or if you were just mucking about they'll happily ignore you."

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 56


Too Old

Too busy

Too tired.

I wish you all well in whatever Pliny turns out to be.

However, for the above reasons i bid you A Dieu and hope this new endeavour is as successful as our wonderful DNA first edition.

Go well,

AlsoRan 83 Now too old for another change.....

Friday 21st April 2012 5.05 GMT

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 57


Also Ran, you don't need to change to pliny if you don't want to! It's option - you can continue on your existing skins.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 58

Gnomon - time to move on

Whisky, you are amazingly close to the correct answer.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 59


After being told off ever-so-nicely last time, I hereby promise not to go looking for it...smiley - grovel

Well done to the team, though - sounds like I'll now have to choose between lovely Goo and the new functionality but Barlesque-esque visual blandless of Pliny smiley - winkeye.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 60

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

"It's in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of The Leopard'"

This is starting to sound like an xkcd joke. Are you sure it wasn't a ketboard?

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