A Conversation for h2g2 Announcements

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 61

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Or a keyboard? smiley - erm

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 62

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office


TRiG.smiley - winkeye

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 63

Gnomon - time to move on

There's a feature of Ripley I didn't know about!smiley - cool

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 64


Point (d) is about expanding. Personally I'm much more interested in that than a skin.

How are we going to get more people? And people with different cultural backgrounds and more people with different sexualities. A bit of cultural dynamism is needed IMO.

I often feel like an odd ball here a lot of the time smiley - laugh aside from anhaga smiley - winkeye Can't we get more artists a bit like me in, for me to talk to? I'll be less trouble then..smiley - winkeye

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 65

TRiG (Ireland) A dog, so bade in office

Well, we're all oddballs here, to a greater or lesser extent, but yes, more diversity would be good. I'm thinking particularly of geographic and racial diversity, but all sorts of diversity is good.

Diversity is useful in and of itself: http://timothy.green.name/links/the-value-of-diversity/

TRiG.smiley - rainbow

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 66


Thanks for the link Trig..I'll read her article you linked to.

I find this place generally very British and conservative smiley - shrug And non Brits seem Britophiles essentially. I'm English.

The only other serious artist I know here is anhaga..and sexuality isn't seriously discussed..and there's not much about actual relationships..also people that don't just come from a traditional western type culture.

I don't feel safe here talking about a lot of things that fall outside the culture here. If we had a lot more people and a greater variety I think I'd feel a lot more comfortable.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 67


smiley - offtopic

I replied on your blog about the article. Maybe we could discuss it there?

smiley - offtopic

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 68

Jackruss a Grand Master of Tea and Toast, Keeper of the comfy chair, who is spending a year dead for tax reasons! DNA!

smiley - smileyi have a such a tuneful bum this morning smiley - biggrin

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 69

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

I agree on the Britishness, as that's kind of inevitable given the site's background... but conservative? Really? Apart from a few whingers and a bit of joking from others I would not call the prevailing attitude 'conservative'... would we be where we are now, if we were conservative?

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 70


Haha Britophiles, I guess that's pretty true.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 71

Titania (gone for lunch)

'Hampsters' is how Elton spells it, and he should know:


Go on, beat him at the staring-whitout-blinking-game - you know you want to....

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 72

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl Great pic.

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 73

Baron Grim

But he's not staring into my eyes... he's looking at my.... smiley - yikes

(belly button, yea, that's what he's looking at.) smiley - evilgrin

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 74


Can I ask a question about advertising?

I've got nothing against hootoo hosting adverts for legitimate products (though, personally I'd ban payday loans smiley - grr). But could you, would you, screen out scams?

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 75


Effers, there's a lot of all sorts of people here, you just don't know them all (yet). As for Britophiles, there's this language issue. I find it hard to keep up with native speakers and UK-centristic issues don't really excite me. I don't think I am a Britophile at all, in fact. I just happen to speak that language (a bit).
You don't know me and I don't know you either. But we are both here. smiley - biggrin

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 76

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and S.S.J.A.D.D...plus...S.N.A.F.U.


smiley - winkeyeThere's only one language and that's Yorkshiresmiley - whistleall't rest is foreign smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 77

Titania (gone for lunch)

smiley - tomato

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 78


As has been reported previously in the Announcements, usage statistics show h2g2's appeal is international. What I haven't had time to report yet is how much that appeal is growing outside of the UK. I'll have to add that to my list of things to do.

*scribbles at the bottom of a long list entitled 'Happy Nerd's Comms Honey-Do List'*

In the meantime, I want to acknowledge all the hard work currently underway by the Tech Team. A big 'thank you' to everyone serving as beta testers, bug trackers and zappers.

smiley - ta

Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 79

Brian Gunner Larholm

About advertising...

In general, we are working with dedicated agencies on sourcing advertising that is both unobtrusive and "interesting" to the person viewing it.

This means that we also actively try to weed out the categories of advertising we believe have no place here, as well as the rubbish that is simply trying to con/scam/trick people into parting with something of value.

But .. and there is always a but.

Publishers and Agencies also get conned from time to time, and what tends to happen is that the campaign that looked completely above board and legit, for a 100% genuine product, that was clearly within the scope of what was expected .. well, it wasn't.

Late at night (usually on a Friday), for a small geographic area, for a small number of impressions.. the nice banner promoting fluffy bunny smiley - bunny slippers (pink, blue or cream) on sale, gets swapped for a banner selling the Eiffel Tower at the low low price of £9.99 (+£3.49 P&P)

We do everything we can to prevent it, including paying other companies to check the advertising at all times, from around the world and automatically block any campaign that has any hint of being dodgy.

But nothing is foolproof, and as a result all we can do is to honestly say that we are doing whatever we can to prevent scams and the like from coming to a browser near you.

smiley - smiley


Thursday 19 April, 2012: Announcing Pliny

Post 80

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Beautifully put, Brian. smiley - smiley The effort is much appreciated. We're lucky to have dedicated experts like yourself on the job.

(Especially since we're so gullible. smiley - tongueincheek)

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