A Conversation for The Ruined Indian Village
The Church of the One True Celery
Floradora Debjello Posted Aug 27, 2002
Oh! He can read!
The Church of the One True Celery
The Celery Posted Aug 27, 2002
Heavenly host? Heavenly host?
Oh, that must be my clone army. With air transport. Yeah, that's it! I need to start working on some air transport. Zeb, Butch, you know anything about air transport?
The Church of the One True Celery
Rev. Elijah Lovejello Posted Aug 27, 2002
*Gropes for his book, finds one, and crawls towards where he thinks the door is, heading instead towards the spiral staircase leading to the caves.*
Miss? Miss?
The Church of the One True Celery
sea - logging on from w*rk - using alab*ster BLECH! Posted Aug 28, 2002
*Hears the Reverend calling for her. Turns to look, but runs headlong into a decorative celery-shaped pillar outside the temple. Falls to the ground, dizzy*
Ohhhhh... Mah head....
The Church of the One True Celery
Dizzy the Void Posted Aug 28, 2002
[X steals a glance at the Celery, then wraps his bandanna around his Buster, which extends itself too quietly to be heard by anyone but himself.]
The Church of the One True Celery
Floradora Debjello Posted Aug 28, 2002
*sits down on the altar with the glenfiddich bottle next to her and watches events accelerate, idly tossing the "emerald" from hand to hand*
The Church of the One True Celery
Butch Webjello Posted Aug 29, 2002
*Notices Sherry's accident. Strides up the aisle and out the door.*
You okay, ma'am? Here, come inside and sit down for a minute.
*Leads Sherry back inside to a pew near the back. Sits down beside her.*
You'll be okay in a minute. Just take some deep breaths. There's goin' t' be a big bump on yer forehead there for a while, but no perm'nent damage to that perty face of yours.
*Glances around the church from this new vantage point. Sees the back of X, but the fact doesn't register, his mind being on the lady beside him.*
The Church of the One True Celery
Dizzy the Void Posted Aug 29, 2002
[X jumps up, air-dashes over to the Celery, and raises his X-Buster to his (Celery's) face.]
[X] All right, Celery. Nice and easy. It's all over.
The Church of the One True Celery
Rev. Elijah Lovejello Posted Aug 30, 2002
*The Reverend tumbles noisily down the spiral staircase, and lies stunned at the bottom wondering why he sees his feet when he looks up.*
The Church of the One True Celery
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Aug 30, 2002
*Sherry, not thinking clearly, leans over and rests her head on Butch's shoulder*
Thank yew, sir...
The Church of the One True Celery
Dizzy the Void Posted Aug 31, 2002
[X sends off a quick transmission to Zero]
The Church of the One True Celery
Butch Webjello Posted Sep 1, 2002
Don't worry, X, we're not ignoring you. We're waiting until the posse shows up before we spring into action.
Actually, Butch IS ignoring you. He has something else on his mind. But the others aren't. They have a plan up their sleeves, but want a bigger audience for it. The time isn't quite right yet - just a little more tea downstairs...
So for now, we'll maitain the frozen tableau of you holding Woody, with your X-Blaster pointed at him, while Butch and Sherry become better acquainted.
The Church of the One True Celery
Butch Webjello Posted Sep 1, 2002
Sorry - X-Buster. I always have trouble with these new-fangled weapons. Jest give me a pearl-handled six-gun and I'm happy.
The Church of the One True Celery
Reverend Lovejello (a.k.a. John Wesley Hardjello) Posted Sep 1, 2002
The Church of the One True Celery
The Celery Posted Sep 1, 2002
Being held at gunpoint, it would appear. I haven't moved since you tumbled down those stairs, but this person with the gun has decided that this would be a nice time to threaten me.
You've forgotten to pick up your pope hat, by the way.
The Church of the One True Celery
soeasilyamused, or sea Posted Sep 1, 2002
*muttered, almost to herself*
Boy, could Ah use a drink...
The Church of the One True Celery
Dizzy the Void Posted Sep 1, 2002
[X] Yeah. Now, Celery, I suppose this is the point where you explain your plan to the audience?
[David Anez] [hanging down from above the top of the screen] Don't break the fourth wall, dammit!
[X] Uh, sorry ...
Key: Complain about this post
The Church of the One True Celery
- 101: Floradora Debjello (Aug 27, 2002)
- 102: The Celery (Aug 27, 2002)
- 103: Rev. Elijah Lovejello (Aug 27, 2002)
- 104: sea - logging on from w*rk - using alab*ster BLECH! (Aug 28, 2002)
- 105: Dizzy the Void (Aug 28, 2002)
- 106: Floradora Debjello (Aug 28, 2002)
- 107: Dizzy the Void (Aug 28, 2002)
- 108: Butch Webjello (Aug 29, 2002)
- 109: Dizzy the Void (Aug 29, 2002)
- 110: Rev. Elijah Lovejello (Aug 30, 2002)
- 111: soeasilyamused, or sea (Aug 30, 2002)
- 112: Dizzy the Void (Aug 31, 2002)
- 113: Butch Webjello (Sep 1, 2002)
- 114: Butch Webjello (Sep 1, 2002)
- 115: Butch Webjello (Sep 1, 2002)
- 116: Reverend Lovejello (a.k.a. John Wesley Hardjello) (Sep 1, 2002)
- 117: Dizzy the Void (Sep 1, 2002)
- 118: The Celery (Sep 1, 2002)
- 119: soeasilyamused, or sea (Sep 1, 2002)
- 120: Dizzy the Void (Sep 1, 2002)
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