A Conversation for The Ruined Indian Village

A bomb in the atelier

Post 461

Witty Moniker

There's a shower here?!?

smiley - run

A bomb in the atelier

Post 462

Titania (gone for lunch)

There is?smiley - bigeyes

*hastily joins the forming queue*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 463


*exits the shower feeling very much better*

Quite amazing, whilst you're in the shower you clothes get washed and dryed too! I could do with one of those showers at home smiley - winkeye

A bomb in the atelier

Post 464

Witty Moniker

*bogarts the shower*

smiley - biggrin

A bomb in the atelier

Post 465

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*finds her little smiley - towel and stands in the queue*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 466

Witty Moniker

*Blissful sighs emanate from the shower. Finally, Witty emerges all clean and shiny. She steps over the gunk strewn all over the church, careful not to touch anything.*

That was wonderful! Terrific massage action!

A bomb in the atelier

Post 467

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Do you think it can handle white leather that's been worn for several months? *looks down at her 'white' cowgirl outfit that is now grey*

*dashes into the shower quickly before anyone else gets there*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 468

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*smiles to see that the salonista posse still knows enough to keep food and hot water higher on the priority list than reckless plunges into danger*

At least I was able to wash regularly while I was imprisoned, and with nice bath stuff, too. *smiles over at Floradora, who has clearly, through her expression, adjusting to the idea of marriage to James Arthur Bottomley III and all his baggage*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 469

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*emerges from the shower, drying her antennae on a towel*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 470

Garius Lupus

*GL's watch plays the opening chords of "a groovy kind of love" before GL hastily stops it.*

smiley - blush That'll be for me.

*He puts the watch up to his ear and listens. A few moments later he nods and pushes a button on the watch.*

Well, the securibots didn't find any bombs. A bunch of other stuff, but no bombs.

*Scratches head* smiley - huh

But it MUST be there somewhere.

A bomb in the atelier

Post 471

Titania (gone for lunch)

*steps into shower*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 472

Dizzy H. Muffin

[Zero] I have a bad feeling about this.

A bomb in the atelier

Post 473

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

You're just afraid of getting stuck in the notorious atelier backlog.

A bomb in the atelier

Post 474

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*Blue Bear coaxes the pugs into the cue for the shower. Carmelsmiley - bunny checks everywhere to see if there is some sort of warning that the shower is not safe for 100% synthetic fiber-fill, then cautiously joins the cue. *

A bomb in the atelier

Post 475


No bomb found? I mean, no new bomb? I mean, no bomb was found in the Atelier where there wasn't supposed to be one?

*Blinks a few times*

Under normal circumstances, that wouldn't be a cause for alarm, would it?

A bomb in the atelier

Post 476

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

*twirls mustache thinking about where his valet is so that he might undress and commence ablutions*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 477


*Rushes for the shower queue*

A bomb in the atelier

Post 478

Titania (gone for lunch)

*emerges from the shower looking very refreshed*

*notices the long queue*

Sorry for taking so long...smiley - blush

A bomb in the atelier

Post 479


*finds a broom in the corner of the vestry and attempts to sweep the floor of the nave*

This would all make execellent compost.

A bomb in the atelier

Post 480

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*takes to the air on the DFB to avoid being swept up*

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