A Conversation for The Ruined Indian Village

The Cave System

Post 241


*Leans agaisnt the wall nibbling jammy dodgers and waiting...*

The Cave System

Post 242


*Stops in his tracks as the tunnel ahead of him is iluminated. He can now see there are two people ahead of him, but unfortunately his shadow covers their faces*

The Cave System

Post 243

Styx the Rat

*red eyes glowing from crevice next to indian webjello*
*grabs one of tontello braids and pulls it into crevice, jams end into rocks*

heh heh heh giddyup
*jumps on indians back, jumps up and down scrastching several times then runs away, disappears in another crack*

The Cave System

Post 244

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

*hobbles along, one trouser leg shorter than the other and hoping he doesn't meet a Freemason*

The Cave System

Post 245

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*Blue Bear gain some small control of the little red wagon. Well, not actually the little red wagon, he can stear the pugs with their leads but because of the the wonky stearing the little red wagon seems to have a mind of it's own. It fishtails wildly. Blue Bear stears to the far side of the tunnel to miss Titania, but as he zigs the little red wagon zags. It takes a lucky bounce, passes her on two wheels, and only brushes her hair.
Coming to Munchers Blue Bear again zigs. The little red wagon also zigs. The team of pugs clear Munchkin easily. The little red wagon smacks the tunnel wall hard, rebounds across the passage and smacks Munchkinu.
Carmelsmiley - bunny faints

The pugs notice nothing of this, their minds are on cookies and the really big shadows they are casting.

Ruppy -Erf, mer,mer, mer gniggle. (Hey, we look like mastifs! Cool!)

The Cave System

Post 246


*doing her best to maintian steady hands in order to keep the torch focused on the tunnel and not cause any inadvertant singeing or conflagration with the mini blowtorch*

The Cave System

Post 247


*Gets smacked by the passing wagon and goes down like a ton of bricks. Ends up laying within easy reach of the jellos while holding his leg and moaning. Possibly saying rude words as well but luckily for all concerned they are not easily made out.*

The Cave System

Post 248

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC


/* As Zeppo smiley - dog perks up his ears at the word "duck", d'Elaphant lobs the steakbomb at the shadowy figures just past Munchkin. It sails through the air over the lowered heads of the Salonistas and Zeppo takes off after it. The graceful arc of the steakbomb seems headed directly towards the taller of the two shadows... */

The Cave System

Post 249

Reverend Lovejello (a.k.a. John Wesley Hardjello)

What in smiley - bleep is throwin' steak at'em serposed to do? You's the dumbest posse I's ever seen.

The Cave System

Post 250

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

And just how many posses have you seen?

The Cave System

Post 251

The Lone Jello and Tontello


*The steak bomb explodes all over Lone Jello, knocking him down.*


Tontello (pulling on braid): I'M STUCK!!!

Lone Jello: I'M STEAK!!!!

*The 4 dogs converge on the two jellos.*

Both together: WE'RE TOAST!!!!

The Cave System

Post 252

Garius Lupus

*Clambers through the hole into Herb's former cell. Calls back down.*

All clear up here. Come on up when you're ready.

The Cave System

Post 253


Yay! Two more down, there can't be many jellos left to deal with.

*turns mini blow torch off*

The Cave System

Post 254

The Vegetable in the Iron Mask

*Follows GL up into his former cell*

The Cave System

Post 255

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*heads into the room behind the green door (via the hole in the back wall)*

The Cave System

Post 256


*scrambles in after the others, trying not to crush the Jammy Dodgers in the process*

So this is where they had you banged up, Herb? Hardly the Savoy.

*looks around at the dank, dingy cell*

The Cave System

Post 257


*Rubs his shin furiously and waits for the pain to die down*

The Cave System

Post 258

Carmel Bunny, spokes stuffie for cute things everywhere

*Blue Bear knows a bad thing when he sees it coming. He releases the pugs' leads, freeing them to do their worst, then turns away, not wanting to see. The little red wagon comes to rest hard against something soft (the Lone Jello's feet). Blue Bear pulls an ice pack out of the chest where the pug's chilled water bowls are kept, and though it's larger than he is, lugs it up the tunnel and offers the ice pack to Munchers.*

The Cave System

Post 259

Titania (gone for lunch)

*averts her eyes*

The Cave System

Post 260

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

smiley - yuk

It's almost as bad as the time Zeppo got into a bag of marshmallows.

smiley - yikes

No, it's worse, much worse!

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