A Conversation for Alabaster House

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 101

aka Bel - A87832164

Trying to be as lazy as possible smiley - rofl

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 102


smiley - laugh Fair enough!

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 103


*wanders in dressed for the office and carrying an overflowing brief case*

Some people have all the luck. Enjoy your day, Bella. smiley - envy

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 104


Aww, oh no~, you have to work?

Here, at least have some tea before you go. *Hands you a cup*

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 105


Gratefully accepts smiley - tea. Thanks. This will help.

I actually have an extremely busy rest of the week at work. What is it they say? No rest for the weary?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 106


"No rest for the wicked", I believe. XD

Not implying that you are actually wicked, though.

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 107

Wilma Neanderthal


smiley - biggrin

I do envy you, Bella...smiley - envy I hate accounts smiley - cross and for my sins, that's all I seem to do anymore...

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 108


*Staggers in and helps self to some of the smiley - bubbly*

Ooh, that's better. It's been a long week, thus far. Busy busy busy.

Nothing planned for tonight though. Except a bit of pizza smiley - smiley

(I may be watching the footy out of the corner of my eye but won't mention that here smiley - winkeye)

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 109

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, I've just cooked supper - I hardly ever have a really lazy day. And I'm watching the footie - aren't we allowed to ? smiley - winkeye

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 110


I wasn't sure, what with it being the girlie shed... not that I want to be sexist but I figured it was probably one of the things we'd banished to the boys shed!

Still 0:0 at the moment.

At the same time I am enjoying opening (for the first time - new books are so exciting!)and skimming through my new guidebook for New England, published May 2006, that I'm going to use to plan our trip there this summer.

Julessmiley - smiley

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 111

aka Bel - A87832164

New England ? That's quite far away, will you rent a car over there ?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 112


smiley - runsmiley - yikes Just scheduled myself for two extra tests Sunday afternoon... that makes two tonight, one friday, and three sunday... smiley - yikes It must be nice to have free time! smiley - yikessmiley - run

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 113

aka Bel - A87832164

Oh yes, it is smiley - evilgrin

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 114


Tests, Leo? What kind of tests?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 115


smiley - tongueout (For B'elana)

Tests? Tests? You want tests? We got tests:
Developmental Psychology final: adolescents through death and bereavment.
The Modern American Novel: write an essay tracing a significant idea or technique through three of the works we studied. (Must get at least an A. Hope an essay on how the vehicle of transportation reflects on the main character will do it. Half a point for creativity, maybe?)
Swimming Pool Operating certification test given by NY Dept of Health (for summer job. And if I flunk they'll be furious.)
Advanced Computer concepts with business applications smiley - yikes A not-even-funny-I-already-have-a-bad-average-for-this-class-so-I-gotta-do-well kinda thing.
CPR for the professional rescuer recertification exam. (Not a huge deal. But still there. And very necessary.)
RTE first-aid recertification exam. BIG smiley - yikes deal. Must recert, and I haven't used it since I got it so there's alot of material there I need to review... help? Oh why am I chatting. there's things to do!

smiley - booksmiley - book

*sinks into armchair surrounded by stacks of books and a jar of peanut butter, plugs earbuds in and proceeds to ignore everyone*

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 116

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - magic sends powerful vibes of calm spirit and absorbent mind to Leo smiley - magic

I am soooooo glad I am no longer a student smiley - online2long White nighting it now would fairly kill me, I think!

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 117


*Talking softly so as not to disturb Leo*

Bel - Yes, we'll have a car. We have a planned itinery of inns booked in all of the six states but I'm planning the daytime activities, choice places to eat etc. However, I do know that part of the attraction will be just seeing how it goes and finding places as we bowl along smiley - ok

Jules IT'S TWO - NIL!! (Oops, sorry, Leo smiley - blush)

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 118


*Hugs Leo* Aww, I'm sorry to hear you have so much studying to get through.

Good luck, darlin'. <3

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 119

aka Bel - A87832164

I'm with Wilma, I'm really glad I'm not a stuzdent anymore smiley - puff
Jules, that sounds thrlling, how long will you stay there ?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 120


I also fervently hope I've sat my last exam ever in life.

Bel, we will be in New England for 12 nights. The first three in Boston, then nine travelling. It's very exciting! We booked ages ago in order to get flights in the peak summer holidays, unlike usually when we see what's left in the bargain bucket. We had a very bad year last year with family and personal health issues so this year we thought we'd splash out and plan ahead for what we really wanted to do. At first we were going to go to the west coast of the USA (I've always thought I'd like to see New England at its prime, in the Autumn) but I ducked out of the longer flight and chose this instead.

smiley - smiley

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