A Conversation for Alabaster House

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 121

aka Bel - A87832164

Awww, Boston, where money sits - and Ally McBeal smiley - rofl
I think you're doing the right thing Jules, go and have your holidays and enjoy them, whenever I hear of young people who've suddenly died, or have become very ill, it makes me wonder just what I'm still waiting for and saving money for - well, at least when the shock is still fresh. smiley - erm

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 122


*looks up a moment*

>>I also fervently hope I've sat my last exam ever in life.<<
smiley - biggrin Don't count on it. I think I was the youngest one at the pool management course. Most of the 'students' were in their 30s or 40s.

New England... lovely. So what's on the plans besides Boston? And Maine lobsters and fishing, of course.

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 123

Wilma Neanderthal

smiley - boing

Jules, do me a favour? Go have a meal at the Cheers restaurant, will you?


Last time I was there, we had clam chowder smiley - drool and an obscene lobster smiley - bigeyes Huge, it was smiley - ok

hope you're not veggie, that'll have made you feel well smiley - ill


"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 124


No, I'm not a veggie, it's OK. I am slowly liking more and more seafood as I go through life and am smiley - drool looking forward to that part of this trip.

Now, a confession, I've never watched an episode of Cheers. Spouse has though, so you never know, we could well end up there smiley - ok

Boston, then, in a general sense (as I haven't got the list with me), we go up the east coast, across to the left, back down and onto the bottom bit (Cape Cod area). We stay in all six states, as I said, so we're covering a fair distance.

Anyone like a choc-ice, by the way, they're dark chocolate...?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 125


>>we go up the east coast, across to the left, back down and onto the bottom bit <<

smiley - rofl

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 126


What's wrong with that? Perfectly clear description smiley - tongueout

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 127


I'll take a choc ice, thanks. They have one out now that is actually creamy and tastes fairly good and is only 35 calories.

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 128


*eats a spoonful of peanut butter*

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 129

aka Bel - A87832164

*throws up at the smell of peanut butter* smiley - ill

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 130


Oo, do you have peanut butter with chocolate in it? XD

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 131


I'll just get Antonio to clean up that mess.

Bella, would some ginger snaps and a sprite settle your stomach?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 132


Acetegan, we have some nice chocolate covered peanuts and a package of peanut butter cups.

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 133


smiley - yikes You allergic or something? I can take my peanut butter out. But if you just have bad taste... *gobbles down another spoonful*

With chocolate? Like, chocolate spread? Or chocolate bars? I don't have any on me... I've been complementing peanut butter with pretzels...

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 134

aka Bel - A87832164

I love peanuts - just peanut butter makes my stomach turn, can'zt help it. Thanks for the ginger Hyp smiley - smiley

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 135


Ooo! Peanut butter cups! I LOVE those things! :D Thank you, Hypatia-San! ^____^

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 136


Yeah. Chocolate spread's darned addictive. XD

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 137


smiley - drool can we send Antonio out for some?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 138


Antonio, be a dear and go get some chocolate spread for the ladies.

What's chocolate spread?

"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 139


Gorgeous stuff!

It's a sort of chocolate paste that you put on bread (or eat straight from the jar with a spoon =P).

Sometimes, it also has hazelnuts in it -- such as Nutella. Nestlé has brought out their own range, such as Milky Way or Snickers spreads. XD


"Girlie" Garden Shed

Post 140


Sounds yummy. I'm don't remember seeing any. But we have Nestles products, so I may have just not noticed it.

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