A Conversation for The Hot Spot!

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 101

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

Thats my drink of choice. Mind if I have a spot of that. No ladies
around and all. Shucks. Well can always comtiplate next Marshmello flinging

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 102

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

...Why no, you didn't tell me what you did in the last war. How about you tell me about it over a drink? Maybe we could sit a little bit? I've been on my feet dancing a couple days now, is it?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 103

Pandora...Born Again Tart

smiley - zzz...*dreaming of & smiley - stiffdrinksmiley - stiffdrink...*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 104

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Absolutely old thing. Look there's a comfy sofa next the ad-hoc sleeping arrangements Pandora has made for herself on the floor. She looks so angelic sleeping there. I wonder how large the hangover will be in the morning, eh what !

*leads SG over to the sofa*

Care for another drinkies my dear ?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 105

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

The KID not buggin Comander RED DOG. Goes to the bar for somesmiley - ale with asmiley - stout chaser. Needs to tell this guys about a Boiler Maker. Hmm maybe they already know. Had a smashing time on V'Day. Almost lucky how the lights went out the other day.
Finding it difficult to do any manual labor. Well ticket was worth the price. I should say.

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 106

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*awakens from her drunken stuper, er, wee nap...has no idea where she is...jumps up & BANGS her head un the underside of the table...smiley - star*smiley - bleepsmiley - weird Oooo I just hate when that happens!...*steps over several snoring people...*sigh*...reminds me of the good old daze...smiley - bigeyes...smiley - peacesign...Now, where is that flask holding the hair of the dog? smiley - hangover

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 107

Lighthousegirl - back on board

* passes more smiley - bubbly *

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 108

Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me!

* the double doors fly open, there stands Squabbling Bleeder Bassman (Retired) medals and toe caps glinting in the light from the chandelier. Creases in his trousers that you could shave with *

I say, sorry to be a little on the tardy side ladies and chaps, had a little spot of bother with some gypsies, bit of a rum deal. Tried to set up camp on the 10th fairway. Never mind, saw them orf good and propper. It might take Hogg and Scroters a few days to clear up the debris though. I wouldn't have thought that a caravan would disintegrate so, when hit by a round from the old elephant gun, what? Bally matchwood they are now!

I say Light, did my man pick you up and whisk you here to your satisfaction? If not - I'll sort the beggar out. Once again sorry for not being here to escort you to the bar. May I say you look radiant.

I say Pandora old girl, you're looking most fetching tonight.

Well chaps, have I missed the full Montgomery?


The Chaps Ballroom

Post 109

soeasilyamused, or sea

sorry, apollo. smiley - blush been busy IRL, and out of town. smiley - erm

*sea takes apollo's outstretched hand, gives him a smiley - smooch on the cheek to thank him for waiting while she hid her dictionary, and follows him onto the dance floor*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 110


*twirls, struts, spins, dips, smiley - bleep, twists, steps, lunges, tosses, grinds, flips, swings...*

Well Chaps, we've quite an athletic li'l filly here! I say, the montgomery may be a bit... umm smiley - erm embarassing ... for myself at present smiley - devil

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 111

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*waves to Bassers from the sofa*

No, plenty of time old chap. Apollers needs to extracate himself from that athgletic filly he's in a clinch with smiley - winkeye

*points to dance floor*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 112

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

what's a montgomery? smiley - huh

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 113


*wakes up next to Pandora under the table*

I say, what the smiley - devil is going on here!?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 114


*The orchestra breaks into a familiar tune*

Oh no.........its the...........TIME WARP!!!!

smiley - musicalnote Lets do the time warp again!!!!!!!

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 115

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*from the sofa*

I say sea, Field Marshall Viscount Montgomery of Alamein was a distinguished British General of WW2 and was instrumental in beating the hide off the boche in the last "do" as it were. We have named a dance in his honour called the Full Montgomery ..... or the full Monty as you colonials might know it.

When enough of the Chaps get here we plan on doing our little number. Splendid, what !

Now where did I put that dashed drink !

smiley - stiffdrink

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 116

The Ghost of Polidari

I say boys, are we going to be doing the Montgomery or do I just need to keep drinking and grabbing any servant girls that happen to walk by?

Like I have been doing for the last three days.

Actually this reminds me of the Valentine's ball of '56 which you'll remember didn't finish 'til November 1961. Only recently shaken off the hangover...

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 117

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Right-o, Pollers, lets get the bally show on the road then. Inkers, Busters, Bassers, Pollers, Apollers, Unkkers, up on stage Chaps. Yes, yes, you can bring your drinks with you but not the bally wimmin ! Ramblers you're on too - get your sheet ready.

*gestures to band to strike up smiley - musicalnote "You can leave your hat on" smiley - musicalnote*

OK in a line Chaps. Suck in those stomachs boys and get the family jewels ready we want to make a good impression here.

*starts to girate in time to the music whilst fiddling with his cummerbund*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 118

The Ghost of Polidari

* Polidari gets his man to help him onto the stage, and immediately needs a smiley - stiffdrink and a sit down...

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 119

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - musicalnote Baby take off your coat real slow and take off your shoes smiley - musicalnote

*takes off medals*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 120

The Ghost of Polidari

* starts snoring gently.

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