A Conversation for The Hot Spot!

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 1


smiley - magic Here you go Clelba! smiley - biggrin

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 2


wow...nice place...and it's all mine!
but of course, everyone else is welcome.
hmm...it's quite pink, really, isn't it? and i wonder what that giant frog is doing? apart from ribbeting?
anyway, at least there are lots of smiley - stiffdrinks lining the walls, so enjoy, everybody!
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 3


wow...nice place...and it's all mine!
but of course, everyone else is welcome.
hmm...it's quite pink, really, isn't it? and i wonder what that giant frog is doing? apart from ribbeting?
anyway, at least there are lots of smiley - stiffdrinks lining the walls, so enjoy, everybody!
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 4


Nice double there Clelba... highly improbable smiley - biggrin

*ponders frog*

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 5

Dancer (put your advert here)

smiley - wow Clelba, nice place, a bit odd I must say, the way all the light keeps traveling in circular paths.... makes everything look twisted, also makes it a bit unsafe to move around.

Maybe It'll stop doing that soon, for now it is a nice effect smiley - ok

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 6


*Wonders why his watch just pronounced the time as twenty-six hundred hours....
Wonders how, looking at his wrist, he can see his pocket-watch
Wonders where he keeps his pocket-watch being that his pants do not have pockets
Wonders where his pants went... smiley - erm *

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 7



The Infinite Probability Room

Post 8


how dare you take atteeeeee-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e..e.....e......e............n......n....n...n..n..n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-nnnnnnnnnntion away from my room!

whoa...what happened there?
ah! the room has changed!
into...the inside of a lawn-mower...i'm not sure i like this....
*bounces on a pile of squished grass*
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 9

Dancer (put your advert here)

Woooo oo oooooOOOOOw, Heeellpp, eeeeI'm ooooonn theeeeeeeeeeedge oooooof thhhhh heeeee blaaaaaaaade, aaaaaaaand eiiiiit iiiiiiies Tooooooooooooooooooo Faaaaaaasssssstt

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 10


*grabs dancer's hand and pulls him onto pile of grass*
*waits for room to change*
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 11

Dancer (put your advert here)

smiley - weirdsmiley - cdoublesmiley - online2longsmiley - bigeyessmiley - sillysmiley - smiley

I'm OK now, thanks.

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 12

Dancer (put your advert here)

By the way, nice arm there... kind of long though smiley - winkeye

Say, why can't I feel my stomach?

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 13


cos it isn't there any more.
nor is min. i'm sure there's nothing to worry about. it just means we can't digest stuff. and seeing as there's only dog food to digest anyway, i don't think we'll be wanting to digest muhc...
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 14

Dancer (put your advert here)

Just funny how the dog food seems to be running on the ceiling... or maybe the ceiling is running around the dog food? 'tis weird.... I guess I'll just wait till the really imporobable cool stuff happen...

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 15

Dancer (put your advert here)

Just funny how the dog food seems to be running on the ceiling... or maybe the ceiling is running around the dog food? 'tis weird.... I guess I'll just wait till the really imporobable cool stuff happen...

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 16

Dancer (put your advert here)

And I could have sworn I said it only once smiley - bigeyes...

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 17

Dancer (put your advert here)

And I could have sworn I said it only once smiley - bigeyes...

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 18

Dancer (put your advert here)

And I could have sworn I said it only once smiley - bigeyes...

smiley - hsif

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 19


*begins to count the number of Dancers in the room...*

*begins to count the number of rooms...*

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 20


well that smiley - xmastree over there told me it was exactly 5.67 rooms. but i'm not sure whether or not to believe it. it is only a tree after all...and it seems to be upside down as well...or is that me? or..wait a sec...it's the room...
whoa, i feel sick
^. .^
= ' =

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