A Conversation for The Hot Spot!

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 41


Hey Hal!! Actually, you picked a conversation not really meant to be understood smiley - winkeye What are the odds??

There are plenty of others around H2G2 though smiley - biggrin There are all kinds of threads just here at the Hot Spot for whatever you're interested in...and thousands more elsewhere! Feel free to jump in on any of them, or just hang out here and not make sense with the rest of us!

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 42


sounds like fun, sleep deprevation. Thanks

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 43

Brother Maynard

Splat smiley - online2long

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 44


Are you a fan of the band Tool, Brother Maynard

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 45


I don't know about him... but the Tool Band was pretty good!! smiley - laugh

okay... yeah, it wasn't that funny...

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 46

Brother Maynard

Hi Hal & Apollo

Couldn't say I was a fan as I've no idea what either of you are talking about.

But assuming they are a musical band and not some sort of electrical equipment from a workshop then its a categorical maybe. My tastes are eclectic and totally unsuitable.

On the other hand, I was pretending to be a bowl of Petunias.

65,000,000 to 1 and falling...

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 47


Curious... 65,000,000 ... and I thought it was 2.9 ....

Still, not much can be said for a codfish riding a unicycle.

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 48


Yeah tool is a band. A good band. the lead singers name is Maynard.
it's too bad about that sperm whale

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 49


tell me, frederick, what's it *really* all about?
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 50


I'm not frederick, but I have an answer:


The Infinite Probability Room

Post 51

Brother Maynard

I have the answer, but its to a totally unrelated question.

And I'm not saying what it is.

No offense intended, but Tool is another euphomism for the male member.

64,000,000 to one - what are the chances of that happening?

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 52


tool was also another word for moron

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 53


So what are we saying the relationship between moron and the male member is? smiley - biggrin

*dodges a flying puddle of water*

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 54


*slurps the giant flying puddle of water*
*turns into an elephant-clelba*
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 55

Brother Maynard

*turns from being puddle back into human form*

*notices part of self is now missing*

*decides not to argue with an elephant*

Its OK - I can get by with just the three knees

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 56


*kneels down*
*turns into a large mountain*
*gets snowed on*
^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 57



The Infinite Probability Room

Post 58


^. .^
= ' =

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 59

Crunchy Frog



(pauses, looks around)



woa, deja vu

The Infinite Probability Room

Post 60


*crunches frog*
^. .^
= ' =

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