A Conversation for The Hot Spot!

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 1


Built especially for the Chaps Club!! An antique style dance room, quite intoxicating for those of less constitution smiley - biggrin

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 2


*Apollo hangs a sign: HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 3

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

*Saturn Girl decides to provide the decorating crew with some nice fresh baked (by her mortal man servants) chocolate chip cookies*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 4

soeasilyamused, or sea

*ponders trying to start the party early* smiley - winkeye

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 5


Well sea, my dear, you'd have to have something to wear first smiley - smiley

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 6

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*wanders into the Grand Ballroom and surveys the scene*

Splendid old bean, simply splendid ..... and the ladies are here too.

Hello girls smiley - winkeye

Wuff Wuff !!!

*screws monocle in and tightens cummerbund*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 7


My apologies if you have to change a few addresses Red, but I thought an event like this would warrant it's own room, what!

Now, we have one week... let's get this place packed from thread wall to thread wall smiley - biggrin

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 8

Pandora...Born Again Tart

*...enters...looks like this is the place...kisses her palm & blows in all directions...*smiley - biggrin See you all on Thursday! smiley - run

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 9


Will everyone here do me a favor? smiley - grovel

Just for the next couple of days, until the dance starts, talk it up a little? Maybe even slide a V-Day Dance into your name? smiley - winkeye I'd really like to have a great turnout, and I would be very, very grateful smiley - biggrin

smiley - grovelsmiley - grovel

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 10

soeasilyamused, or sea


smiley - winkeye

something to wear, something to wear... hmm...

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 11

Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42]

*Saturn Girl appears in her promised purple plaid ball gown* Okay, everyone can start having fun, I'm here smiley - biggrin

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 12

ex-Rambling. Thingite. Dog. Pythonist. Deceased.

smiley - ghostsmiley - laughsmiley - cheers

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 13

soeasilyamused, or sea

*talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk talk*

sheesh, all this talk talk talking is giving me carpal tunnels! smiley - erm

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 14

Fred Hog

*there is a sedate sound of wheels crunching on the gravel driveway as a Bentley driven by Hog the Chaps Gardener pulls up very slowly outside the entrance to the Grand Ballroom. Inside the automobile can be seen several Chaps all holding their noses*

Here we arr Sorrs. Sarry bout thart smell an all. Oi'l pick yuz arl up layter.

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 15

The Ghost of Polidari

Aha - this must be the place. Damn fine show all round. Haven't been this excited since Mrs Polidari showed me her ankle in '36. Damn fine woman, Mrs P.

Of course, in the end I had to sell her off to some Arab chappy. Got 14 camels and an oasis for her.

Now - can someone direct me to the servant girls' quarters?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 16

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*emerges from Bentley in full military finery including a slightly eccentric Top Hat worn for Saturn Gel*

Good grief Hog, that is a smell with a capital smee ! Easily the most appalling thing that has assaulted my nostrils since the accident at the 1953 Quorn Hunt Ball with the pack and the main course.

*walks into the ballroom*

Ladies smiley - biggrin. How the deuce are we tonight. You all look fabulous of course.


Rambling my dear smiley - hug is that a new sheet ? Very becoming, shows off all your curves. Be sure to catch me for a dance later on, I'm sure I can make it swirl a bit smiley - winkeye

Saturn Gel smiley - hug What can I say - Purple plaid, hi-lace combat boots with heels and a leather choaker is so very you. Gorgeous, quite gorgeous.

Sea you sweetie smiley - hug - lovely to see you and as demure as ever. Splendid outfit, quite a head turner - I especially like the jewel encrusted dagger accessory.

Now Pandora, is that you you cheeky minx - trust you didn't get a glimpse of anything you shouldn't have at your last visit to the Club eh smiley - winkeye.

Where's the Sarge ? Has she made it yet ?

Anyone care for a smiley - stiffdrink ?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 17

The Ghost of Polidari

Huzzah! smiley - stiffdrink

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 18


What-ho, what-ho!

Didn't want to let the side down, thought I'd make a turnout after all.

Three different hand-writing styles, Redders? What in the name of jeepers was all that about? I signed up to the...
..you know... the thing..... with the wotsit...

Oh, dash it all! I'm here now.

Nice to see the *ladies* here too, what! smiley - biggrin

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 19

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*waves to Inkers*

Hello old Chap, you know I do believe thatsome of the other Chaps may have actually put your name down on the wotsit to make sure you were ready for the thingy you know smiley - winkeye

Fancy a smiley - stiffdrink what. Don't the Ladies look splendid smiley - winkeye

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 20


Speaking of the wotsit, ol' Red... are you positive that my signature made the list? All these charming gels and I must confess I'm having second thoughts!

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