A Conversation for The Hot Spot!

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 121

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*takes out monocle and spins it teasingly around finger on the end of it's string before pinging it at Pollers hitting him behind the ear*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 122

The Ghost of Polidari

* Awakes with a start.

What the bally .....

What in blue blazes are you doing Redders old chap? Isn't this the one where we put our left foot in, then take it out, then wave it all about?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 123

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - musicalnote Baby take off your dress, yes yes yes, You can leave your hat on smiley - musicalnote

Well I'm about to start waving something about old bean.

*takes orf cummerbund and waves it around head suggestively*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 124

The Ghost of Polidari

My God NO - stop him boys - he's going to de-bag himself!

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 125

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

smiley - musicalnote You can leave your hat on, Go on over there, turn on the light, no all the lights smiley - musicalnote

*getting really into the swing of it now undoes his braces and flicks them into the gathering crowd of fillys at the foot of the stage*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 126

The Ghost of Polidari

Oh the humanity!!!!!!

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 127

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

*slowly begins to realise that he doesn't have his hat on for the finale*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 128

The Ghost of Polidari

* Looks down to find his man struggling with the buttons of his jacket (full regimental, of course).

Oh hello. Is it time for nighty-nights already? Where's my hot toddy?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 129

Uncle Heavy [sic]

*arrives in dress uniform, overbalancing under the weight of medals and moustaches*

sorry im late chaps...got a bit held up at customs...they thought i was smuggling in a walrus under my tache...

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 130

The Ghost of Polidari

Eliza, where the devil are my slippers?

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 131


*hiding behind sea... begins to chug smiley - stiffdrink*

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 132

The Ghost of Polidari

I hope you fillies realise that I'm wearing at least 13 layers so this might take a little while...

*Polidari's man finally manages to undo the first button on his jacket.

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 133


*stumbles in over the backlog and looks around for the tequila*
Pan dear where is my er.. medication. You know.. a little smiley - dog of the hair that bit me.. *hic* smiley - erm you know what I mean...

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 134

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*passes smiley - bubbly from light to Batty...takes another for herself...whispers to the ladies*...you know, the last time I danced to this song the MODERATORS smiley - monster took the thread away...and I was still at the TOP of the pole! smiley - groan
...*grabs the smiley - bubbly with her teeth & pulls Batty & light to the front of the stage...*let's have some fun girls! smiley - ok *digs into her pouch & brings out a handful of tiny marbles...tosses them onto the stage...* smiley - flyhiTHIS should be good for a laugh! smiley - biggrin
...*blows a kiss at Bassman...*smiley - kiss

Whoooo-WHHHHOOOOOOO!!!! Get down P.W.!!!!!! *begins to boggie...*...you can leave your hat on...baby take down your stockings...reallll sloooowww....smiley - devil

The Chaps Ballroom

Post 135


*steps on some marbles and starts to flail like some drunken chicken on roller skates trying to fly then lands flat on her face*

What the... smiley - online2long

Chaps Ballroom-the Monty!!

Post 136

Pandora...Born Again Tart

...*slides her foot under Batty...lifts...*Let's put your Sunny-Side up! smiley - laugh....here smiley - stiffdrink...you look like you need this more than me. Now, don't let's get ahead of yourself...can't you smeel the fresh meat? Er, smiley - ermI mean, new blood, smiley - flustered I mean, see all the men? smiley - flyhi

Chaps Ballroom-the Monty!!

Post 137

Lighthousegirl - back on board

What ho Bassman! You chap did a serrling job!

I say you look rather splendid youself! smiley - bubbly?

Chaps Ballroom-the Monty!!

Post 138


*snifs the air and gets up with a smiley - biggrin on her face then runs to the powder room to put on a fresh coat of paint smiley - kiss*
Next vict... er.. partner!!! smiley - devil

Chaps Ballroom-the Monty!!

Post 139

THE KID (Romancer of the Realm of the Rediculous)

It's probaly my fault thar the Commader's a little daft I can make people that way. but maybe we should have cloked the lasses eyes.
The KID smiley - dogsmiley - pirate

Chaps Ballroom-the Monty!!

Post 140

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - bigeyes

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