A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods
The Plains of Asgard
Apollo Posted Sep 29, 2001
Did you just say "lose" UH?? You haven't conceded victory yet have you? This was just starting to get good!!
The Plains of Asgard
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Oct 1, 2001
evidently, you aint won yet, boyo
*shoots a beam of 100% concentrate pure kosher phantastic UH patent god energy at the w hit tiger*
The Plains of Asgard
The White Tiger - Avatar to the Tiger God Posted Oct 6, 2001
"What the ?!?! Damn, he's *still* alive. Where's Zena when you need her. Just can't kill a god like you used to...."
The White Tiger takes UH's energy blast with the full force.
The smell of burning flesh and fur is horrific. The White Tiger is slammed to the ground by the force of the beam. Stunned from the shear force of the attack, he lays there unmoving. As he soon comes to his senses, the White Tiger is obviously pissed.
"RRAAAWWWRRR!!! I will have my victory kiss from Saturn!!"
The White Tiger morphs back into his more human-like form, standing once again on 2 feet. With the transformation, his skin and fur have healed and returned to normal, not showing any signs of damage. His clothing has also changed. The White Tiger now wears what appears to be a suit of armor made from some unknown alloy. It is lightweight and curves to fit his body seamlessly. It is a deep blue color and glistens in the light.
"Now you will feel the force of my power little man."
The White Tiger slides his right foot back a step and take a fighting stance with knees elbows bent. The ground around him begins to shake and crack. A green glow once again appears around him with every black stripe on his body pulsing with a brighter green glow of power. The air crackles with the discharge of energies flowing around the White Tiger. The look on his face is a that of determination. However the is no outward sign of physical stress or strain as the amount of energies gathering about him increase.
Then with no warning, he throws his arms back behind him and swings them back in front fully extended. The energy around the White Tiger flows with the movement and leaves his body in the direction thrown, straight at UH. An intense beam of green-lit energy envelopes UH completely. The searing heat & raditation from the energy blast rip appart UH's body like a gerbil in a microwave.
The blackened mass that was once recognizable as UH collapses to the ground. A cricket cries. With UH out of commission, the White Tiger immediately procedes to dig a massive hole in the ground, a kilometer square, a kilometer deep. He kicks UH's smoldering remains into the pit. His body impacts the bottom with a resounding thud. Smiling, the White Tiger covers the pit and seals it with cement.
He walks back to the rock with the mp3 player and waits. Satisfied for the moment, he changes the song to play "We are the Champions" from Queen. "We are the champions, my friend. And we'll keep on fighting till the end..." I love Queen
The White Tiger has spoken. Meow!
The Plains of Asgard
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Oct 6, 2001
*disembodied voice*
OK. we'll call it a draw.
The Plains of Asgard
The White Tiger - Avatar to the Tiger God Posted Oct 6, 2001
A draw it shall be.
BTW, I know the last attack was not completely original, but it was fun writing it.
*Shakes UH's hand* Golly good show.
Hey, does that mean we both get a victory kiss from Saturn? hehe
The Plains of Asgard
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Oct 6, 2001
Did I say I was going to be the prize for this little match of your's? I just had thought that UH was gettin' beat too bad, so I gave him a pitty kiss.
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Jul 27, 2002
does any body want to duel cos i feel really bored and pluis *flash* i have a lot of energy *flash and a fortress made of glowing orange logs appears*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Jul 27, 2002
step inside if you think you can handle it??
The Plains of Asgard
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Jul 27, 2002
*decides to sit and wait to see if I'll get to watch a battle*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Jul 28, 2002
instead of being a spectator try being a player!
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Jul 28, 2002
Oy! She don't 'ave to if she doesn't feel like it.
*Wink wink, nudge nudge*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Jul 29, 2002
*looks reprochfall and thoughtful* i would consider challenging you Apollo but im scared cos you seems a lot more powerful than little ole me
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Jul 29, 2002
I'll challange ANYONE!
*A hand taps Mystrunner on the shoulder, and hands him a note. It reads: 'OOOoooEEEeeeOOOoooEEEeee'*
I have recieved the badly written note of the banshee. Crap.
The Plains of Asgard
caper_plip Posted Jul 29, 2002
*Caper Plip appears in football training kit, looking a little flustered...*
Did someone say Apollo was *powerful*?!? When did *that* happen? I must have been away for far too long...
Well, I don't think I'll be battling at the moment so I'll just sit here and watch...
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Jul 30, 2002
nobody wants to duel me *sinks on to the ground and collapses into a tree with orange leaves * a disombodied voice appears* nobody likes me everybody hates me i think i'll go and eat worms! (but worms are yukky unless there gummy worms)
The Plains of Asgard
Apollo Posted Jul 30, 2002
*sings* Long thing slimy ones, short fat juicy ones, itsie-bitsie fuzzy-wuzzy worms...
Down goes the first one, down goes the second, oh how they wiggle and squirm...
*realizes he is in public* sorry, I'll stop now.
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Jul 31, 2002
Key: Complain about this post
The Plains of Asgard
- 101: Apollo (Sep 29, 2001)
- 102: The White Tiger - Avatar to the Tiger God (Sep 29, 2001)
- 103: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Oct 1, 2001)
- 104: The White Tiger - Avatar to the Tiger God (Oct 6, 2001)
- 105: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Oct 6, 2001)
- 106: The White Tiger - Avatar to the Tiger God (Oct 6, 2001)
- 107: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Oct 6, 2001)
- 108: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Jul 27, 2002)
- 109: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Jul 27, 2002)
- 110: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Jul 27, 2002)
- 111: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Jul 28, 2002)
- 112: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Jul 28, 2002)
- 113: Apollo (Jul 28, 2002)
- 114: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Jul 29, 2002)
- 115: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Jul 29, 2002)
- 116: caper_plip (Jul 29, 2002)
- 117: Apollo (Jul 29, 2002)
- 118: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Jul 30, 2002)
- 119: Apollo (Jul 30, 2002)
- 120: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Jul 31, 2002)
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