A Conversation for The Battle of the Gods
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 1, 2002
*Mystrunner lifts the log up with one hand, and with three sweeping sword blows, slices it in half, and shreds the clown suit.*
*Mystrunner begins to run at pheonix, slicing time as to move faster and faster.*
The Plains of Asgard
Apollo Posted Aug 2, 2002
*admires his now clean toga*
*grabs an orange.
Grabs a slice of time and sticks it in his pocket for later.*
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 2, 2002
*Is slicing time fast enough to make the real world seem to be barely moving*
*To Apollo* I'd be careful with that. My old teacher would flick shards of time at an apple on a bench, just as a demonstration. Within seconds, all he'd have was a cluster of small trees, which quickly withered away.*
The Plains of Asgard
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Aug 2, 2002
*sits quietly watching, no in the mood to toss out any troublesome comments yet*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 2, 2002
* a deep trench appears in front of mystrunner, his sword flies out into my hand....* so then tsk tsk! *waves hand and mystrunner reappears coverd in embers, he then falls backward into the trench* i've made you clumsy... HAHA
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 2, 2002
*Mystrunner shoves the edge of the trench, shifting the earth forward under pheonix's feet, sending an enourmous tremour through. He reaches out his hand and the fallen sword flies back to it.*
Not a close combat person, eh? Dodge this.
*Mystrunner sweeps his hand away, sending a cloud of poisoned needles at Pheonix*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 2, 2002
*waves hand, the poison needles go of in the other direction.* thats naughty *a sword appears in my hand and chops of the end of mystrunner's. Phoniex Flips over the top of mystrunner and jabs him in the back* dont you move or do anything ok?
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 2, 2002
and try and spell my name propaly *waves hand that hasn't got the sword in. The poison needle return after being drawn to Apollo? To push mystrunner against the wall that appears* i wouldn't move because if you do you either get stabbed or poisoned youre choice?
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 2, 2002
now now *gives mysrunner a big kiss, he now has a red kiss mark on his cheek* ahh aren't you cute *transport's long enouth to give Apollo a kiss and transport so mystrunner can't move* don't you move!
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 2, 2002
*An electric surge runs through Mystrunner's body, sending Phoniex spasming backwards. As the needles fly forwards, Mystrunner slices time and deftly catches them. Then, he charges into the wall, slamming both hands at its base, and heaves it backwards, falling onto Phoniex...*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 3, 2002
never throw my own creation on me. *Phoniex's body begins to flame, the wall disentegrates with the intense heat* This awfull dust *brushes herself down and dissappears* Hi *reappears standing on Mystrunner's shoulders* Here have a prezzie *manacles that stop Mystrunner's time slicing ability appear on his hands and feet, he droops to the floor too heavy to move* bye *disappears and reappears in a red crop top and red pedal pushers.* ..........
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 3, 2002
*Mists out of the manacles*
I'm not called Mystrunner for nothing.
*Grabs Phoniex by the ankles, and heaves her into orbit. Concentrating, he sends a blast of pure death following her trajectory, gaining slightly on her.*
The Plains of Asgard
caper_plip Posted Aug 3, 2002
Let's spice this up a little...
*Caper Plip kicks her up into the air, and causes a shower of
to rain down upon the battlers.*
See what you can do with that!
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 3, 2002
hello FIRE BIRD *transforms into the phoniex and dodges the death* now now caper plip lets play with some toys *the footballs all rain on mystrunner and phoniex grabs a giant teddy bear who from here after will chase mystrunner and cannot be destroyed even by youre godly powers mystrunner* and watch out cos if he catches you *the teddy bear catches mystrunner and squeezes him so hard that he flies too pieces i and the pieces fly into orbit*
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 3, 2002
*Space time folds back at Mystrunner's command, drawing the teddy bear into a black hole, and out in very small bit in a different dimension. The rift seals up. The s never seem to touch Mystrunner. It isn't that he is dodging; It's more like he's never there when they should hit.*
*Mystrunner mists, and reforms.*
I might point this out: A496091*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 4, 2002
Phoniex transforms a tiny little girl*
ahh its a big man he looks funny *starts pulling down any clothes that Mystrunner has on* TUT TUT now the big mam has no clothes on lets dress him up, you can borrow my new dress puts an obcene pink dress on mystrunner with an unimaginable amount of ribbons all over it. *transforms back into phoniex*
dont you look cute.
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 4, 2002
*The clothing morphs into the classic assassin's getup, and Mystrunner lifts pheonix up by the throat.*
*A thousand deranged lawyer come to Mystrunner's call and begin to formulate a lawsuit*
The Plains of Asgard
Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] Posted Aug 5, 2002
The Plains of Asgard
Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity Posted Aug 5, 2002
*Does the Anime style closes-eyes-leans-over-and-yells bit*
The Plains of Asgard
The Rogue aka Phoniex Posted Aug 5, 2002
ps TO SG ok dont worry* *nods head too the lawyers, transforms into a sensible grey suit* now gentlemen i think that if you turn to the exhibit A (a film of the previous battle) now if you think about it my behaivior too a one Mr Mystrunner is justrified. Now my irational feminist lawyers and a few radical feminist protesters *they appears with massive signs, they see mystrunner and start battering him with hammers and the signs* there you go...
Key: Complain about this post
The Plains of Asgard
- 141: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 1, 2002)
- 142: Apollo (Aug 2, 2002)
- 143: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 2, 2002)
- 144: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Aug 2, 2002)
- 145: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 2, 2002)
- 146: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 2, 2002)
- 147: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 2, 2002)
- 148: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 2, 2002)
- 149: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 2, 2002)
- 150: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 2, 2002)
- 151: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 3, 2002)
- 152: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 3, 2002)
- 153: caper_plip (Aug 3, 2002)
- 154: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 3, 2002)
- 155: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 3, 2002)
- 156: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 4, 2002)
- 157: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 4, 2002)
- 158: Saturn Girl ~ 1 of 42 (Borg Queen A761708) ~ Gollum's keeper + some ~ [1*7(0!+2)(0!+1)=42] (Aug 5, 2002)
- 159: Mystrunner - Six Dimensional Psionic Entity (Aug 5, 2002)
- 160: The Rogue aka Phoniex (Aug 5, 2002)
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