A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Clive Custard

Post 121

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

i think i'll start a "Cat's Log" in my thread. so there. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

Clive Custard

Post 122

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

smiley - laugh


Clive Custard

Post 123


Does this mean I get to do a 'Captains Log'? smiley - biggrin

Clive Custard

Post 124

soeasilyamused, or sea

yeah, but you CAN'T say "Stardate..." because i already did. smiley - tongueoutsmiley - winkeye

Clive Custard

Post 125


Ah but I can say Startdate smiley - winkeye

Clive Custard

Post 126

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - nahnah no you can't! you can't!!!!

Clive Custard

Post 127

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

smiley - groan Bad...pun...


Clive Custard

Post 128

soeasilyamused, or sea

oh! hahaha. read right through that one. smiley - blush

Clive Custard

Post 129


Yes I can Startdate startdate startdate, see sea? smiley - nahnah

Clive Custard

Post 130

soeasilyamused, or sea

curses! foiled by the extra T! smiley - tongueout

Clive Custard

Post 131

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

And I can say "stardait", but I won't.

Clive Custard

Post 132

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Probably for the best, that. smiley - winkeye


Clive Custard

Post 133

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Probably for the best, that. smiley - winkeye


Clive Custard

Post 134

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

My thoughts exactly

Clive Custard

Post 135

soeasilyamused, or sea

*considers pouting - after all, she's being made fun of - but decides it's not worth it. smiley - smiley*

Clive Custard

Post 136

cafram - in the states.

*claps hands in delight at, well, everything*

YAY sea! You and arl are at the top of my most favouritest people list!! smiley - biggrin

Clive Custard

Post 137

Garius Lupus

Mine too - those logs are great! smiley - biggrin

Anyone else care to join Cafram's and my lists? All you have to do is put down your thoughts in a log in your private thread.

Clive Custard

Post 138

Jedi Jade and her daemon Thras AKA Dr. Amelia T. "Bermuda" Rangel


Gee. I'm gone for a few days at college and there's four things of backlog to read. Someone let me in on this, please. I'm not too in the mood to read backlog right now, as it /is/ only about *;30 in the morning...

Clive Custard

Post 139

Garius Lupus

It's just where you write down your thoughts in your private thread. Things you have figured out, what you plan to do, that sort of thing. For now, it will be very entertaining for me and for anyone reading along, like cafram. Later it will be fun for the other characters to read when the game is over. It should also help you keep track of what you are doing. smiley - biggrin

Clive Custard

Post 140

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Well, I typed up a bit last night. More of a lack of confirmation of what I *had* thought than a proper log, but... Gimme a while to digest everything that I've found out and I'll type some more. smiley - biggrin


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