A Conversation for Role Playing: The Last Voyage of the Mary Celeste

Clive Custard

Post 161

Garius Lupus

What? You've been a dog person??????

Clive Custard

Post 162

soeasilyamused, or sea

IRL, yes. smiley - biggrin which was why i found it so funny that i was on the cat side of the cat war... smiley - smiley

Clive Custard

Post 163

Garius Lupus

Well, I'm a dog person IRL and IVL, so I don't have to concentrate too hard there smiley - biggrin

Clive Custard

Post 164

soeasilyamused, or sea

i would've been, but the cats asked me. and the dogs started it. i'm a sucker for underdo-- er, /cats/. smiley - winkeye

Clive Custard

Post 165

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

*puts down the log and uses it as a bench*

Sea, I'm sure we all have the same itchy mouse finger that you have, when it comes to private threads.

Clive Custard

Post 166

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

smiley - smiley I think that everyone has a secret, GL, so Marv hasn't given that much away. smiley - winkeye

Just wait. After the game is over, I predict that none of us will post anywhere else while we try to sort through all the backlog and figure out everyone else...


Clive Custard

Post 167

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

My resolution: I'm reading that cat's private thread first!

And Gw7en, I really can't comment, since my Psychic Powers seem to be confined to the Readings thread.

Clive Custard

Post 168

soeasilyamused, or sea

smiley - laugh

i've got some dirt... smiley - biggrin

i can't decide whose thread i want to read first! no, wait, i can't say that, it might give something away. smiley - smiley

Clive Custard

Post 169

Charles. ( Xai )

*growls at his own impatience with backlog......*

i'm definately a cat person, i like dogs, but i'm too much like a cat to not be a cat person........

i'd also like to ask that less of those little smiley's be used in place of words, cause those of us with extremely slow connects have to wait for the little bloody icons to load to make sense of the conversation...... and of course they are the last things to load...... *sigh* i hate my phone line.......

Clive Custard

Post 170

dElaphant (and Zeppo his dog (and Gummo, Zeppos dog)) - Left my apostrophes at the BBC

I am a cat person.

smiley - dog

(Sorry, Al'Xai)

Clive Custard

Post 171

Arlecchino (school gets in the way)

Okay, I'll cut down.

Clive Custard

Post 172

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I like both cats and dogs. smiley - biggrin

How does Zeppo feel about your disclosure, there, d'E? smiley - devil

I promise not to use smileys in sentences for the game, Xai. Beyond that, I can promise nothing.


Clive Custard

Post 173

soeasilyamused, or sea

ditto, xai.

i have a smiley addiction. smiley - smiley

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