A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

MMMMMM wispers

Post 2541


*Chickpea moves over to Cal*

We could do other things with those wispers </> smiley - winkeye

*Sweetpea moves over to the bits of Rob and starts putting him back together*

MMMMMM wispers

Post 2542

Cal - interim high priest of the Church of the Holy Tail

smiley - blush really

Like what smiley - evilgrin

MMMMMM wispers

Post 2543

The Doc

*The Doc Smashes through the wall in his Handy Dandy spandex "Superhero" outfit*


Miss me?

*Grabs NJA, dips her deeply and gives her a bigsmiley - kiss before spinning her off over the dance floor*

GOOD! Needed that........

I have just been off to the good 'ol U S of A and I single handedly saved their sense of humour!

Which reminds me - we need MORE Superheroes on this thread - to seek out and save those deserving souls who are trapped in twaddling threads!

*The sun TINGS off his gleaming white superhero teeth*

I suggest we form a HooToo Justice League of spandex clad Super Heroes and Babes - Hermionicky! I choose you!

*A sparkling ray of white streams from Super Doc's fingers and Hermionicky glows bright purple*

Step out and meet your public Hermionicky - as Super Shopper!

* The glow around Hermionicky fades and she stands there respledant in white thigh boots and spandex hi cut Superbabe uniform*

It is your job to go Super Shopping and save those women in jogging pants - go make them GORGEOUS!

*Beep Beep*

What is this? My super IPod, TV, Video, DVD Player, Coffee Machine Internet enabled V8 twin Cam 5 litre wristwatch is calling me!

Hello? Yes - Tis I! *Sun goes TING on his cheesy super grin*

Yes Captain Eyebrows! What is that? You need help? OF COURSE!

I will be back - Justice calls! Awwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy!

*CRASHES through the ceiling in a big blur*

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2544

Count Jim 'Thighs' moriarty, keeper of a poncy little french car and unsellable rubbish known as a prowler kit

*through four days of deliberation, paper cuts and still being tied to the slab, morierty decides...*

ummmm, mr assistant to the doctor sir? i've chosen some 'improvements'

*looks around, quiet*

i'd like the super de-de-de-luxe XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL superhero mad doctor combo with the surprise enhanced sock and brace bombs please... and if you've got the new set of good slippers, i'd pay extra for a pair...

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2545

The Doc

*The Doctor crashes back into the Lab, brushing molton lava off his shoulder*

Moriaty! Dear boy, sorry to have left you slabbing for so long! I will have Evil Twisted Assistant flogged for that oversight - but he might like it!

Want to join the Mad Lab Justice League of SuperHeroes then do you?
Be my guest!

*Super Doc points his fingers at Morierty and a blue light shines forth, bathing him in a pulsing light*


Ah Ha!

Step forth Morierty - or shall we call you..........Hmmmm? I like the look! Pick a name for yourself boy and join the League!

*Morierty stands there resplendant in super Bunny slippers, spandex clad in fetching Black and Silver with matching rocket launchers on his shoulders (Both swivelling wildly) and a big red super codpiece of Truth*

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2546

Count Jim 'Thighs' moriarty, keeper of a poncy little french car and unsellable rubbish known as a prowler kit

red codpiece? what are you? the biggest gothic pervert in all chrisendom?

IIIIII LIKE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think that i shall call myself "FEANOR THE WILDLY INACCURATE"

*Tries out a new power and accidentally destroys the cupboard in a hard to miss fashion*

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2547

The Doc

NOW we are getting somewhere!
*Assumes heroic hands on hips Superhero pose alongside Feanor The Wildly Inaccurate and Super Shopper*

*The sun simultaneously goes TING! on three sets of perfect Superhero teeth*

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2548


*bringth more Colgate toothpathte over for that thuper tinging thmile*

There you are thur...

and I am thorry marthter for being derelict in my dutieth... I am not worthy to lick your bootth clean thur...

*tearth form at the thought of flogging but whether happinethth or thadnethth ith unknown*

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2549

The Doc

*Slaps Evil Twisted Assistant on the back in exagerated Pantomime stylee*

Have no fear, ETA - was only kidding about the sound thrashing!


Hmmmmmmmmm. ALL superheroes have sidekicks, dont they? I mean, Superman had Super Dog, Green Lantern had Bruce Lee in a silly hat and Batman had Robin - or is that just a rumour?

Anyhoo - I think I need my own sidekick, ETA - Fancy the job m'boy? Do you look good in tights?


i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2550

Sponge Rob Squarepants

*Now that NJA is no where to be seen Rob gets up from behind the slab and wanders over to the doctor*

I used to love the the JLA when I was a kid...
What can you do for me...

*adopts heroic pose*

Could I be The Great Fandango...

*Another heroic pose*

Or maybe something myterious like The Scarlet Boufont.

*puts on an old smiley - towel like a cape and pretends to fly round the room*

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2551

Count Jim 'Thighs' moriarty, keeper of a poncy little french car and unsellable rubbish known as a prowler kit

*leaves room for a minute...*

*comes back a few minutes later with a swordfish, hits rob over the head with said fish, and places him on the slab unconcious*

i think that we can come up with something....

doctor? got any ideas?

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2552

Sponge Rob Squarepants

smiley - bruised

Ow what did you do that for...
I was willing.....

*lies still on the slab eagerly awaiting his new transformation*

i'll have this one, that is of course if it is still available...

Post 2553

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

*NJA whacks Rob with a soggy wet kipper!*

*husky voiced and purring*

I am never very far away darling smiley - smooch

*Swivels and jiggles and slides__________________around the slab, tying Rob firmly down*

smiley - devil

Rob's Nightmare......

Post 2554

Sponge Rob Squarepants


smiley - puff


Rob's Nightmare......

Post 2555

The Doc

Aha! One called Rob at our Mercy!

Yes, I think you would make a suitable candidate for the Mad Lab Superhero League of Justice and Weird Stuff!

*Points finger at Rob and a white light glows around rob*


*Rob lay there in slightly baggy spandex, eye mask sligtly lopsided and a massive red bouffant with a lovely mullet attachment*

Arise, Phantom Red Bouffant! Nice name by the way - and your special power is.................erm.............What?


Rob's Nightmare......

Post 2556

Mercenary Girl ^^Killing Machine Barbie is BACK!^^

*waltzes back in with fashionably streaked hair (check), trademark dangerously cut dress (check) ridiculously high heels (check) bemused look directed at the "idiots" (check) *

Has anyone seen my pink poodle?

Rob's Nightmare......

Post 2557

The Doc

Darling Mercenary Girl/wife thing! Welcome back - nice outfit by the way! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Pink poodle? Yes - the Phantom Bouffant with the unfeasibly large mullet had it for breakfast this morning. With a side order of refried beans. And Chorizo sausage. And guacamole. With flour tortillas. And salsa. Dancing, not the sauce.

Welcome back baby - want to be a Superhero or villain?


Rob's Nightmare......

Post 2558

The Doc

So..............that would be "Villain" then would it?


Rob's Nightmare......

Post 2559



A golf ball bounces through the doorway stopping in a crack in the floor. A slightly dishevelled looking man wanders in holding a wet haddock in one hand, and an orange cactus under his other arm.

"Mind if I play through?" He says to nobody in particular.

Hits the ball out of the window with the fish and chases after it smiley - run

Rob's Nightmare......

Post 2560

The Doc


We need more like you - come back!

*Whooshes smiley - run after new person playing through*

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