A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14961


you know people actually do that.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14962


and dolphins.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14963

Mr. Legion

Stay away from my aquarium, Hally.

smiley - cross Them is *mah* bitches.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14964


*Looks ill.*

Those things will kill you... :S

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14965

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

*returns to his board game and continues ploting e-vil world domination*

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14966

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*gets off Jade, gives her a hand up*

Watch the "joy buzzer". It's a little more "buzzer" and a little less "joy".

Hally, gross.

Isn't there some dance you're supposed to do with giant spiders?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14967


What, you mean like the Genevan Waltz or something?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14968


*magically appears after extended leave of absence*

Wow, I've been away far too long.

*adjusts pirate hat*

So, what have I missed.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14969

Mr. Legion

I call it the Chattanooga Two-Step. Watch...

*Step, step. Squash, squash.*

Of course, the spiders don't survive. But it's the danger that makes it sexy, eh?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14970


If that's your idea of sexy...why not try it barefoot on poisonous spiders. I'll sell the tickets, who wants to make thesmiley - popcorn?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14971


I've always understood it's the /giant/ spiders which are the most trouble... I wouldn't want to dance with, say, Ungoliant or the like.

Eight legs of madness! Madness!

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14972

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

*chucks a chair at Myst to shut him up, grabs a stool, and sits down* No need for that in here at the moment. We need to defeat the smiley - bleepites and the restite kingdom. Then we may take over the world.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14973

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

*Jade twitches a bit and smiles wryly (Speeeellliiingggg?) at Yank*

That was refreshing.

*Thras continues munching on spiders* Seriously, *smack, munch* OSmeone ought to box and market these things. *Chew chew slurp*

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14974


This crazy place is still going?

*muses* Maybe I should stay on h2g2 then...?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14975


*Lithely snatches the chair out of the air, and spins himself into it in such a stylish manner he is offered a movie contract.*

Yes... fabulous...

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14976


"Yes... fabulous..."

It is rather, isn't it? smiley - tea?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14977

Mr. Legion

*Takes the smiley - tea and sips it so demurely he is offered a part in the next BBC Jane Austen adaptation*

La, Mr Fenwick! smiley - blush You do me a disservice...

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14978

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*shakes head*

I gave a perfect straight line to a "tarenella/tarantula" pun, and no one took it. What is this place coming to.

smiley - bubbly

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14979

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*shakes head*

I gave a perfect straight line to a "tarentella/tarantula" pun, and no one took it. What is this place coming to.

smiley - bubbly

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 14980

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

Jade: You know what they say about deja vu? It measn the Matrix is reconfiguring itself.

*Suddenly, lots of neatly suited and be-sunglassed men come crashing through windows, walls, and the ceiling, and begin killing butlers and lesser boardroom members*


Jade: Brilliant! *pulls out her bow, begins shooting things. She fells agents so expertly that Peter Jackson signs her on for Lord of the Rings 2.5: On the Lust of Hobbits*

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