A Conversation for The Manifesto for the Campaign to rename Thursday, "Thing"

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15001

Mr. Legion

*The lance smiles shyly back at Terran*

Lance: H-hello. Not many people are as friendly as you towards an instrument of death. This may be a mad idea, but when this is all over do you fancy going for a drink?

*The lance winces in anticipation of disappointment*

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15002

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

* a hand and a knife appear at Mystrunner's throat. From behind, a voice...*

You were saying, my darling love?

*the blade is pressed a little more insistantly into his throat, but hasn't broken the skin.*

Like my blade? I got it at a lovely arms shop I know...

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15003


*Winces, stares at the ceiling.*

Awww, dammit. You're too good at this whole deadly threat thing. Arms... store...?

*Realization dawns.*

Wait, my store? I should have never given you the back door key... smiley - erm

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15004

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

*blinks* Ah yes. The key. That is probably what I used. *eyes flicker to the glass cutter on the floor beside her*

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15005

Jadeelf (And also Thrasymachus, the token dragon daemon)

*blinks, slaps Legion across the cheek for no real reason other than the fact that she wants to post on this page. If she can be violent at the same time as posting, than all the better*

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15006

Mr. Legion

smiley - injured JJ doesn't know her own strength. Balls.

Notice that I'm posting and managing to be completely non-violent. What's my secret? Answer: in Real Life, I'm kicking the person across from me in the computer lab.

She's just a girl, see, a little first-year, and she totally doesn't know how to handle it - should she call security, or kick back? She's already called me an asshole, to no effect - what now?

Oh - oh - she's crying. Perfect.

Take note, JJ - leave your violence in RL, where it belongs.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15007


you insensitive RL b*st*rd. although in boardroom terms getting her to cry from the mere effort of extending your knee is pretty impressive.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15008

Just Plain Yogurt

Some people will cry with no provocation. I mean, what use is torture if people break down immediately after the first finger is severed?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15009


Takes all the joy out of it, don't it?

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15010

Mr. Legion

Yeah, it was far too easy. Next time I do it to a Goth. I hear they pride themselves on their Attitude.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15011


Ahh, bravo!


In my experience, all goths are crying, at least on the inside. It takes a special skill to bring that out.

The Boardroom of Evil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15012

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

*chucks pieces at Mystrunner for disrupting my rail of thinking*

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15013


Heh, that'd be a pretty small train wreck. 8 hydrogen molecules were moved very slightly to the left. smiley - biggrin

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15014

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

*points to the giant train wreck to hall's left* That is my train of thought!! I control it with my brain!

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15015

Mr. Legion

My train of thought is like the Trans-Siberian Railway - strong, cold, unstoppable...

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15016


My train of thought is....oooooh Shiny coin! *leans down and grabs it* What was I saying?? .....Where am I? I was meant to be somewhere else....*is confuddled*

*walks out of the door*

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15017


*looks down at big pile of shiny coins*

Hey, that worked better than expected. Have to remember that one.

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15018

MadHank (Master of Forgeting, and Returning Awesome guy)

Hey, a friend of mine is looking for places to nuke just for the hell of it. Any ideas.

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15019

Just Plain Yogurt

The past?

The Boardroom of E-vil, P-lotting and General Mayhem

Post 15020

Rivkeh Yankee-Shoes... bashing about the BoE again

Nuke somthing beautiful. Like a rainforest.

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