The h2g2 Post 02.04.09

3 Conversations

Posted: 02nd April 2009



I'm Back!

Did you miss me?

Probably not, I'd imagine. The work of the Post Team over the last couple of issues has been fantastic, in fact, and the emails flying back and forth showed that no problem was insurmountable.

The way the Team ran things while I was away was wonderful, and it's really heartening for the future. Part of the reason for my trip abroad was to arrange our wedding, which we'll be having out in The Gambia in January next year. In fact, the next 12 months promises to be a very busy time for me, and it looks like the days of my being able to spend four nights a week on The Post may be coming to an end. I'm not going completely (they'll have to drag me away) but I do need to spend less time here.

It's with this in mind that we've decided to look at expanding the Team once again.

We're looking for an official Post Artist to take care of the graphics side of The Post. This will require a minimum time commitment of around an hour every issue to organise photos and cartoons, and you'll need to be competent in the use of Photoshop, GIMP or a similar program to do this. You'll also be responsible for creating new artwork for The Post for regular columnists and for special occasions; this part of the job would be more occasional, and you'd be able to do it whenever it suited you most.

If you're interested, or know anyone who might be, contact us at the usual address.

Enjoy this issue of The Post, and we'll see you in Easter week. Deadline for the next issue is Sunday 12th April.




















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