A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Hypatia Posted Mar 11, 2003
*Steps into the room and clears her throat rather loudly*
I think one of you had better take a peek next door. We have company.
*Looks at the mess Euan made* Hey, I'm not cleaning that up!
*Crawls under the table and hands MaW a ==========~~~~ and a large 3 cheese pizza*
You're going to need this.
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 11, 2003
*HDS throws a grenade disk (like the disk throwers in Tiberium Sun, only with proxy or remote warheads, in this case, proxy), at Craxus's knees.*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Craxus leaps over the disk and dives behind a pool table.*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 12, 2003
*The disk explodes, just after Craxus jumps, spraying the area with hot shrapnel. HDS then wheels the flack cannon around and fires a round into the table*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Craxus dives for another table, but before he lands before the table he fires 6 shots into the flak cannon, hoping to destroy if not disable the flak cannon.*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 12, 2003
*The bullets bounce around inside the barrel, eventually stopping and just clinking around inside. Isard throws another disk at Craxus, while yanking back on the casing ejector mechanism, Isard extracts the round, dumps out the six drastically de-formed bullets, re-inserts the round, jams the mechanism back into its firing position, and fires another round at Craxus*
those are proxy disks, when they get close, they explode.
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Craxus jumps up and manuvers around the pool table. He then jumps over and grabs a few gernades and chucks them at HDS. These gernades are sonic and phosphorus. So they will damage the hearing within the distance and eat away at HDS "armor".*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Dizzy the Void Posted Mar 12, 2003
[Yar suddenly bursts in, grinning maniacally. He strikes a battle-ready pose]
[Yar] Gimme a MILKSHAKE!
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391! Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Hilbryk follows Yar, a bit moe Neo style with his M4 M203 Carbine held in one hand*
[Hilbryk] Ill take one too, no syrup, it makes it too thin...
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Isard kicks the grenades away just in time, they land near Euan and detonate, Isard fires a round from the flack cannon at the ground just in front of Craxus.*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Slowly stands up after diving to avoid Flak - and grenade*
You Terranics are all the same - shoot first, and no questions asked.
*looks down*
Grr. And you riuned my suit. Red wine never comes out, you know...
*Glances up*
Sorry, Hypatia. It's covered by my insurance.
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
MaW Posted Mar 12, 2003
* MaW grabs His Divine Shadow's ankle and sets his trousers on fire, then retracts his hand very quickly *
Oooh! Hot!
* he takes a big bite of the pizza *
Thanks Hypatia. Mmm! Nice
* pizza in hand, MaW starts working his way as fast as possible across the room to avoid HDS's wrath *
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo Posted Mar 12, 2003
*While HDS is (or should be) distracted by the fire at his ankle, Mr. Vulcan cannon gets a little more annoyed*
This beast fires 6600 rounds a minute.
*Mr. Trigger finger is happy to meet Mr. Vulcan again. Bullets come fying out of the barrels, aimed in the general direction of the Terranics*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Stops firing*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 12, 2003
*1/3 the bullets get stopped by Isard's anti-balistic shield, another 1/3 is taken by hise thick layers of armor, and the last 1/3 flies over his head and into the wall when Isard dropped and rolled to get his leg fire out. when Isard finally gets the fire out, he is right next to MaW, so he points his flack cannon at his head at point blank range and fires.*
*This act being done, Isard rolls forward and fires another flack round at Euan's feet*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo Posted Mar 12, 2003
*jumps onto table*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt Posted Mar 12, 2003
*Fires a round at the table, then at Euan*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Terran Posted Mar 12, 2003
Is Isard invincible or something?
*Verc, after messing up some of the security personels fancy facial work, and through slight of hand has acquired some of the Terranic's equipment, now stands quietly under guard waiting for them to make a mistake*
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
Mystrunner Posted Mar 12, 2003
Also, Yar, you are working toward the same goals as Isard in this situation.
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
MaW Posted Mar 12, 2003
* MaW sees the flak cannon, panics and teleports, flickering briefly into semi-transparency and then appearing to completely dissipate *
[MaW (disembodied)] Oh
Key: Complain about this post
Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room
- 201: Hypatia (Mar 11, 2003)
- 202: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 11, 2003)
- 203: Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") (Mar 12, 2003)
- 204: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 12, 2003)
- 205: Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") (Mar 12, 2003)
- 206: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 12, 2003)
- 207: Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425") (Mar 12, 2003)
- 208: Dizzy the Void (Mar 12, 2003)
- 209: RMF Art Vandelay: Missing- Presumed Fed[Hero], Join DISF at A925391! (Mar 12, 2003)
- 210: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 12, 2003)
- 211: Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo (Mar 12, 2003)
- 212: MaW (Mar 12, 2003)
- 213: Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo (Mar 12, 2003)
- 214: Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo (Mar 12, 2003)
- 215: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 12, 2003)
- 216: Euan - † - Getting a new laser to play with - woohoo (Mar 12, 2003)
- 217: His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt (Mar 12, 2003)
- 218: Terran (Mar 12, 2003)
- 219: Mystrunner (Mar 12, 2003)
- 220: MaW (Mar 12, 2003)
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