A Conversation for The Crossed Purposes Pub

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 161

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

its ok. Which side are you on?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 162

Dizzy the Void

Wait, I thought we WERE allowed to have SOME powers we mention near the beginning ... and I don't remember hearing that bit at the base. >_>

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 163

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

we should suspend use of powers until Myst is back, and then sort it all out

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 164

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

You're both feinds. Can't we just have a drink in peace...?

*Jade smals down her pan galactic garagle blaster*

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 165


Can't drink! Alcohol doesn't affect me anymore smiley - wah

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 166

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

I'm the same with coffee.

*Reaches into the depths of his trenchcoat, pulls out a large blue and white plastic cup the says "Clark: on the go!" in large letters on the side, and drinks some highly sugared coffee, replaces the cup in his coat.*

You drink all you want, while you're whiling away your days in prison. Get up, we're going for a little walk.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 167

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

*raises an eyebrow*

Who, me? I haven't got to go anywhere with you. And I really don't want to make things unpleasant for you. So I suggest you do us both a favour and leave.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 168


* MaW settles himself comfortably into a chair and hums softly to himself *

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 169


*Is disturbed that MaW's humming doesn't appear to be coming from his mouth smiley - yikes*

Are you sure all your advanced features are working alright? smiley - erm

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 170

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*Isard points a rather viscous looking shotgun at the assembled villains, and the guy that he could have sworn was dead.*

Get up, and get out. You all are under arrest for high crimes against the people of Terrania. You have...well...as of now, no rights, now move it.

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 171

Craxus "ACE" (High Lord of the Magicians Guild "A2510425")

HDS you best do what the lady says. We wouldn't want to see your nice face all messed up now would we?

*Craxus sips another smiley - stout*

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 172


He's got a point. They'll kill you, even if you get a few of them...

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 173


*Whilst HDS (I really do look a lot worse than the last time you saw me, so you may not recognise me) is facing the other way puts down pint and sneaks over towards the back door, and motions MaW to follow (again while HDS is looking the other way)*

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 174

Jade (Like a lithium flower just about to bloom... She's incredible math.) and Thras (the token dragon dæmon)

Jade: *without breaking eye contact with Isard, she reaches down to the dagger sheat on her thigh and flicks out the blade*

Thras: What do we care about your supposed rights? We're anarchists, you idiot. Your laws mean nothing to us. Now I suggest that you leave peacefully now before I go and get the manager.

Jade: *brings the blade to her lips and very softly kisses it* We are leasing this room quite legally, and call me crazy, but I believe that it falls just a bit out of the jurisdiction of the Terranic Government.

Thras: So if you please, leave before Jade does something she might not regret.

Jade: In the least...

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 175


* MaW decides that a fireball is too risky due to the hand-burning aspect mentioned in the instruction manual, so he sneaks off after Vercingetorix instead, wishing he had the courage to try teleportation *

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 176


(this is very quiet so that HDS can not hear this) Do you think you can get the teleport to work for a few people?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 177

His Divine Shadow: ACE, Shi Alyt

*The door that Terran and MaW had sneaked off to is kicked in, two intelligance guys with riot armor, shields, and billyclubs draw are standing in the doorway*

*Isard looks over his shoulder at Terran and MaW*

Just couldn't wait to give yourselves up eh?

*Isard turns back to Jade*

I suggest you follow suit

*Sweeps his arm outward invitingly, while still pointing his shotty at her chest*

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 178


*Realising he is trapped, he puts sun glasses on, and takes something out of his pocket which blinds the two intelligence officers for at least 15 seconds. Plenty of time to evade them. Vercingetorix's body shields most of the light from the rest of the room, so most others behind him are unaffected. *

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 179

Dizzy the Void

Should I try coming in again IC or what?

Crossed Purposes: the billiards-room

Post 180


* MaW throws caution to the winds, closes his eyes and follows the procedure for teleportation described in his instruction book. He vanishes, then appears a split second later three feet further into the room, and two feet above the floor. Gravity immediately takes effect *


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