A Conversation for Foxy Manor

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1881

Kasia, P.S. of Syncopation,Muse of Classic Goo Fans, Keeper of Rainbows, Zaphodista (visit Crossed Purposes Pub: A429310)

Okay, Tweet', paintball fighting?

Hmm, I hope the next naked person, walking in will be a man!

Hezher, can I have a bourbon, please?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1882

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

*jumps throw the window with two paint ball guns*
lets play smiley - winkeye

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1883

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

*Sultandude walks back in, pulls up a stool, grabs his PN and starts to quietly sob*smiley - sadface

AGB - "What's the matter Sultandude?"

Sultandude - "I should have stayed in the queue at Mina's!"

AGB - "You mean 7of9?"

Sultandude - "Yah, I've just seen what I missed out on!" *Sob! Sob!*
"I haven't had a threesome for 3 weeks and four days!"

smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1884

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*Pours a bourbon for Kasia and a triple whisky for sultandude to try and cheer him up*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1885

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Thanks babe!" *lights a fatty, inhales deeply, exhales lonley, chugs his triple whisky and falls of the stool with a stupid grin on his face* smiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1886

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

*Wakes up on the floor with memories of that vision of perfection lurking in his memory*

"Hi girls! Wazzzuppp! *Grabs a paintgun and fires in the general direction of the dart board, misses the dart board "splaaaat", hits the wall and a trickle of purple paint weaves it's way down the wall*

"Okay, Ive got purple balls." smiley - fish

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1887

groominawookie1 traveller in the milky way

Oh, do me a favour! How do I make the fish? Please, please, please, I wanta make a fish!

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1888

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

Type > < > only without the spaces smiley - smiley

smiley - fish

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1889

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

smiley - fish ::sticks a fish in his ear::

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1890

groominawookie1 traveller in the milky way

smiley - fishsmiley - fish::
smiley - smiley You guys make me happy. smiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1891

groominawookie1 traveller in the milky way

Oops. smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1892

groominawookie1 traveller in the milky way

Oops. smiley - smileysmiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1893

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Oh, my god, purple balls.

I hope they are not contageous?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1894

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Chuckle, Chuckle!"smiley - smiley

*Sultandude swings round with amazing dexterity for one so wasted and fires off a purple ball in Pierce's direction*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1895

Titania (gone for lunch)

*swiftly glides over the bar counter to mix herself a gin & tonic, since nobody seems to have noticed her order days ago...*

Never mind, I'm used to it, being vague and elf-like...smiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1896

Archangel Tweetie (01/06/02...)

*somersaults from behind the bar, and sprays everyone holding a paintball gun in paint*
*yellow- of course smiley - winkeye*
Oh I do love destruction smiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1897

Titania (gone for lunch)


The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1898


Ducks? Where? I see no ducks? ... only painted people and fish. You need a drink. Actually, I need a drink too. Large whisky please, while you're there. Thanks.

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1899

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::walks over to the bar, dodging the flying paintballs, purple and all, gets himself an other Black and Tan, then another and another, then, yes, yet another::
Mmmm... hehehe
::feelin' good::

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1900

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::pulls the fish out of his ear and throws it into the dart board::
smiley - fish (((o)))

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The Bar is OPEN!!!!

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