Joe. Missing. Presumed Fed.
Happy Birthbay H2G2!
Hello all. Welcome to my little, seldom updated, mostly neglected page. Let's see.... Well, for those of you who'd like to know a bit about me, I live the U.S. But, don't hold that against me.

Vital Statistics:
Name(s) and Title(s):
The Average Joe No One Ever Suspects, Keeper of Groovy-Ass Black Trenchcoats, Patron Saint of Tacky Tourist Souveniers (Wings read "I went to Heaven and all I got were these lousy wings!"), Knight in Pursuit of the True Meaning of Fashonable Tardiness, Thingite Tactical Advisor, Defender/Entertainer of the Ladies of Balwyniti, Zaphodista,
Joe (obvious reasons), Meatloaf (I had a mullet at the time.), AJ, The JoemanAge:
23, Born on: November 14, 1980, ScorpioBlood Type:
Blue/Light BrownHeight:
Smart AssAllignment:
Very OddOccupation:
See AboveTreasure:
Broke.Weak vs.:
GirlsStrong vs.:
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Blockheads |
Say Hi to my fish!
Feel Free to Contact Me. I promise to at least say Hello. :-)
::[email protected]:: Just be sure to indentify yourself being from H2G2 as I tend to indescriminately delete anything I think is SPAM. You can also AIM me at Joeman6077, of course.
Latest Messages
Messages left for this Researcher | Posted |
Joe's Fan Club! | Jan 1, 2005 |
Diving and happy birthday (ish). | Nov 14, 2003 |
Hi Joe! - Werekitty here on the new regiments | Aug 8, 2003 |
... hmmmmm | Jun 17, 2003 |
A tall brunette not looking for R.S. | Apr 28, 2003 |
The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects
Researcher U99843
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