A Conversation for Foxy Manor

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1941


Huh! What? Did something vaguely elfin just float through here? She should stop for a drink sometime.

Yes - right - more ... damn! Never a barsteward around when you need one. Hang on.

*Runs behind bar to procure two pints - with whisky chasers*

Cheers, J.

..and BTW - don't worry if it goes quiet in here for a while - if you hang around, I promise you, all manner of entertaining people come through ... in search of all manner of entertainment, if you get my drift ....

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1942

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Most excellent dudes! I need help. How do I enlarge my (no naughty thoughts now) knickname? Tried yesterday but failed." smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1943

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Cheers !

*pours his pint down the tonsil valley trail*

I think I'll have one more smiley - ale for the road.

*dares to help himself at the bar*

Thanks for your company, Kes, I think I'll be back quite frequently.

And Galaxy Babe, you were right (as you are always smiley - smiley): That's the place and the folks to go for.


smiley - smiley jfsjbb *walking out in serpentines*

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1944

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

Go to your prefffencer, precefer, "*'+#2+@@!!!, your personal details, sultandude. There it worked for me


The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1945


OK - sultandude - some technical advice about nicknames ... on two conditions, which are:

1) Accept that I'm incompetent - I accept no responsibility whatsoever if a nuclear reactor in India explodes because you were fiddling with the settings on your home page OK?

2) The price is one large drink smiley - winkeye

Right. At the top of you home page, find the "Preferences" button, and click on it. It will display severl data entry fields, including one for "Nickname". Type the enlarged nick you want into that panel, then hit the Update button. Tada!

Good luck!

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1946

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"Kes you're a most excellent dude! 2 large drinks of your choise in the bar of your choise, on me." smiley - bigeyessmiley - bigeyes

"While I'm here won't you join me for a large Pierced Nipple now?"

smiley - fishsmiley - fishsmiley - fish

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1947

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

*Pierce wakes up at his table, hidden in the farest and darkest corner of the room*

Ah, posting 1946. Reminds me of the third year of the big war. Almost ruined our business what with all them submarines and other warships sailing all around the globe. Ah, well, memories, memories...

Did someone just say breakfast? I'd better get me a Guinness first. Can't eat on an empty stomach, you know.

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1948

Sultandude(Lover of Princess Toy of the 1000 Kisses)-Keeper of Go-Go Bars-aka Kabuki Man

"1946 was a great year! That's the year I started this epic adventure! 1991 was a bummer though! Breakfast works for me." smiley - tongueout

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1949

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*Enters and pours herself a gin and tonic*
Anyone else want one?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1950

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

Hi Hezher smiley - smiley I'll take a pint and leave the serving to someone else for oncee. *sits down and enjoys being on the other side for once* smiley - smiley

Tweet: I always put my patronage to good use smiley - smiley I much better at putting the paint on rather then taking it off. Thanks for the help. smiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1951

Saint Acolyte Hezher - P. S. of Chocoholics, Keeper of Chocolate, muse of death by chocolate, Seraph of death by chocolate

*pours a pint for courtney*

havent seen u around for a while, how u bin?

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1952

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

::Thinks to himself, "Alcohol is bad for you..."::
Damn I think I'm too drunk? Too drunk? Now I know I'm drunk!

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1953

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

I have been trying to actually to w*rk at w*rk. Plus all the stuff thats been going on I'd rather try to lay low. smiley - smiley Thanks for the pint.

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1954

The Average Joe No One EVER Suspects

What? W*rk at w*rk? Never! ::looks around and sees his b*ss staring at him:: Opps... ::runs off to do some more lab tech-ing::

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1955

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

smiley - tongueout

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1956

Jeremy (trying to find his way back to dinner)

*enters bar with a _really_ thirsty look in his eyes*

*sees the huge choice of available drinks*

*tries to decide*

I think I' try to get a smiley - stiffdrink as a preheater and then a smiley - stout.

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1957


*enters the bar looking for a large alcoholic drink and prehaps some company* smiley - winkeye

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1958

Courtney Patron Saint of Social Embarassment

Here go smiley - smiley

Hi Dax what can I get for you smiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1959


Anything really, as long as it has some kick in it... smiley - smiley

The Bar is OPEN!!!!

Post 1960


Anything really, as long as it has some kick in it... smiley - smiley

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