The h2g2 Post 04.12.08

2 Conversations

Posted: 4th December 2008



Happy Birthday to Us!

I'm not going to talk about myself in this issue, but I'd like to start by saying a big thank-you to everyone who responded to my last Post editorial and a couple of associated journals. I'm happy to report that I've taken some holiday and won't be back at work until after the next Post deadline. I'm heading for Andalucía for a week's break, and hopefully I'll come back refreshed enough to handle work over Christmas and New Year. Chewing things over with people has really helped, and I'm very grateful to you all.

This issue we're celebrating The Post's ninth birthday, and we have got an incredible number of pieces for you to enjoy. We've been busy roaming the site looking for the finest articles we can find, and this issue features an amazing 50 articles. There hasn't been any scrimping on quality, either – we seem to be attracting the very best writers and poets to appear on these pages these days. Special thanks to the rest of the Post Team for all their hard work on this issue; I think there have been moments when we've all felt overwhelmed (after all, we've almost done a double issue this week!), but the way everyone has got on with it cheerfully and helped one another out has been inspiring.

With so many columns this week, I'm not going to be able to mention everything that deserves a plug. Please make sure you check out The Stretcher, h2g2's own Strictly X-Factor Talent Writing Academy show, with its own panel of elite judges (plus myself). If you enjoy writing and are up for a challenge, check it out and sign up! There are also a number of articles written to celebrate our birthday (including exclusive interviews with Antelia and the Post Editor), a Meet report from Hull, a new Entry of the Month competition and appeal for help in getting a hitch-hiking rhino around the country. Business as usual, but bigger and better.

We think you'll enjoy this week's issue of The Post! Before I go, a quick competition corner; don't forget that we have our Christmas Competitions for you to enter (we also ask that any submissions for the next issue should be suitably festive) and last issue, I forgot to mention that Trillian's Child won the 42-Word competition with her 'Preparations' piece. Congratulations to Trillian's Child, and also to Shagbark, Jhawkesby and TB Falsename, whose Post Reporter badges are in the post, so to speak. Deadline for the next issue is Sunday 14th December – until then, I'll be in Spain! Errrr... I mean... Enjoy this issue of smiley - thepost!


Quick! Look Busy, Here Comes the Boss...

Another milestone for The Post as it reaches its 9th birthday in style. This edition has to be the largest ever with exceptional contributions in each section. I am not going to dwell on past history, but express my heartfelt thanks to the current Post Team for their proficiency, hard work and enthusiasm. The Post has come a long way in 9 years and I feel sure that the Team, with Rich at the helm, will steer it onwards to an even brighter future.























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