How To Paint A Wall

1 Conversation

The Omega sign painted in oils on a canvas
You will need :

  • Paint
  • Wall
  • Means of applying Paint to Wall
  • Sufficiency of reach
  • Sense of purpose...

...Oh, b*gger this...

How to Paint a Wall

When the task is mundane, the secret is to look inside it.

So - let's look inside this tin.

That's the noise it makes as the top comes off.

Try that again?

That wasn't the best cutlery was it? Good. Now let's carry on.

Don't lift the lid just yet.

Catch the scent instead.

No, don't practise solvent abuse.

Just take that first breath in its company.

Set off on a brief and innocent paint-trip as you re-make its acquaintance.

Now you can take the top off.


And you thought the sound and the smell in this tin were intriguing.

Now you know that they were just trivial aspects of paint's purpose.

Now you can see what this stuff is all about. One hundred percent.

This is concentrated colour.

And what a colour.

The plumage of a fantastic bird, maybe.

Or the tranquil essence of easy nature.

Or the time-seasoned simplicity of rustic idyll.

Or the stylish precision of just-so chic.

Let it transport you. Be where it takes you.

That wall is going to be changed for ever.

See how smoothly it goes on, how your time is magically well-spent, how reward accompanies your effort.

All because you made it a creative act, rather than a chore.

Good stuff, this. It does exactly what it doesn't say on the tin.

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