A Conversation for Celery-Webjello Party!

A little swing

Post 121

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

Alright then, Dolores, would you like to dance? *charmingly tips fedora towards the wobbly one*

((Dolores: Well, as long as it's hardcore.))

There is no hardcore swing, Dolores.

((Dolores: Whatever. Let's go fruit-boy))

*Dolores pounces on Fruitloop, and they began to jive to the music, a bit awkwardly at first --Fruit keeps stepping on Dolores' plate--, but they soon are in full swing, if you'll pardon the pun, which I'm sure you won't, but anyway, they're in full swing just in time for a cover of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy!*

Dolores, you're a firecracker! *swings the jello through his legs and back overtop him*

A little swing

Post 122

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

I've always wished I could swing dance, and I do love to watch it. Nice job adjusting to dancing with Dolores, Fruity. And Dolores, you are amazing on the floor!

A little swing

Post 123

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

*Wipes sweat off brow, as the band finishes* Thanks Red, it was too much fun. How about you Dolores?

((Dolores: Meh. It was nice, but I've had better. I think you chipped my plate, too.))

*mutters* Right, right, well at least I got a good workout. *meanders over to the couch*

((Dolores: Just teasing dear, it was fine. Jello doesn't sweat anyway, if properly kept. *winks at Fruity*))

Hey hey! *spreads out on couch, smiling*

A little swing

Post 124

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*gets a glass of Celery's Six Grapes Port while waiting for Alien*

A little swing

Post 125

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

What kind of music do you think you'll be dancing to this time Red?
*sips Shirley Temple*

A little swing

Post 126

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

I think I'm going to leave the choice up to Alien. That's the great thing with these virtual bands and split dance floor! You can dance to anything.

*sips port*

Have you tried dancing through the dance floor forcefield yet? Quite an experience having the music and lights suddenly change in the middle of the dance.

A little swing

Post 127


*enters from the dining room and walks to Redbeard*

Here we are... smiley - smiley That forcefield-thing looks great - I had heard about it but didn't really get the picture until now...

*Takes a few steps to the edge of the dance floor and tries going through the forcefield a couple of times. Then gets back to Redbeard laughing.*

That -is- great! smiley - smiley

Musical changeover pending...

Post 128

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*Odra finally returns to the bar,to check on Dolores, who, naturally, doesn't drink anything...but she looks the plate over, and sees no chips*

That was quite impressive, you two...but how about this?

*the time of the night has come for...CONGA LINE!!!!
A jouncy conga beat shakes one side of the dance floor -- led by Dolores, Odra close behind, the line begins to snake around the pit*

Musical changeover pending...

Post 129

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

So what kind of music/dancing, Alien? Conga line, or something else?

Musical changeover pending...

Post 130


Umm... I think I'd prefer something more... traditional... What's on the other side?

A little swing

Post 131

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

I actually haven't tried dancing through the force field yet, I fear it might be a bit dizzying for me. But, with a few Shirley Temples in me... *gulps down last of the Temple* Barbot! Another here please, I am to feel like Dudley Moore by the time I leave....

Musical changeover pending...

Post 132

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Whatever you want. We had some wonderful waltzes there earlier, but if there's anything we want we can just ask the bandleader and they'll play it.

Musical changeover pending...

Post 133


Hmm... I'll leave it to you - anything is fine... smiley - smiley Although waltz is something I especially enjoy...

Musical changeover pending...

Post 134

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

Interesting, trans-force field conga line, eh? Well, I'm game.
*Gets in line, is jostled all about*

This line is a-shakin!

Musical changeover pending...

Post 135

Researcher 99947


ooh, I'm getting goose pimples.

Musical changeover pending...

Post 136

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

A waltz it is, then.
Bandleader, my favorite waltz, please
*the band begins to play the Blue Danube*

*offers arm to Alien* Will you join me?

Musical changeover pending...

Post 137

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

*Hurtles himself out of the line* Oh, that was exhilirating. *picks up accordian* But I think I gotta be heading out. My guitar is calling me for now. Wonderful evening, Dolores, it was a pleasure dancing with you. Red, splendidly assembled shindig this was, I thank you. Odra, 'twas a pleasure, of course, and thank you for the spoon.
Goodnight everyone!

Musical changeover pending...

Post 138

Ming Mang

*wanders in*
*fairly immediately looks lost*

Musical changeover pending...

Post 139


*takes RB:s arm and walks with him to the dance floor*

Musical changeover pending...

Post 140

jr52 (ting-a-)

*peers in and observes revelers*
*smiles and shakes head at juxtapositioning of differing styles**finds it quite attractive, on second thought*
*waves, thinks "Life is good", and moves on with a smile, humming the tune for "singing in the rain"*

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