A Conversation for Celery-Webjello Party!

Flamenco Performance

Post 81

Demon Drawer

Demon Drawer

*DD walks into the party brandishing his full collection of Swatch watches*

Since I was so nearly killed recently I keep all my timepieces with me at all times. I have come to realise time waits for no man.

Flamenco Performance

Post 82

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The waiter shakes his head, picks Loony off the floor and gently steers him towards VIN ALTO RITORNO 1997.

The waiter says: "Now here is wine from the imagination, or rather from the exotic side of wine experience. Not the forthright fruit and flavour experience of New Zealand, nor France's sophistidations, but a clash of vinous cymbals in the casbah: bright, dark, with concentrated jewels of flavour and a wash of lively fruit. Almost convivial in its aromatic softness, yet that fierce note lingers and keeps your interest at more than passing geniality. Fascinating wine, definitely from far enough off the beaten track to arouse any latent interest in exploration".

Having explored the floor, I can only agree.

Flamenco Performance

Post 83

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

That was an incredible performance by Kristina!

Welcome DD! Good to have you here. Feel free to get a drink at the bar, get out on the dance floor, or stop by the dinner thread for a full meal.

Flamenco Performance

Post 84

Demon Drawer

I'm waiting for Joanna to show and then we may dance, she's just checking her coat.

Flamenco Performance

Post 85


Joanna half a step behind DD, wearing a long, silky-satiny Goo-Blue dress, which shimmers as she walks. She is also wearing dozens of silver bangles and a simple silver band in her hair

I had a clock all engraved with DD's and my wishes for a successful campaign, but I see I am not allowed to bring it...


Flamenco Performance

Post 86


*Gagdreek does an odd dance in the center of the dance floor where he jumps back and forth from one side of the shield to the other, changing dance slyle accordingly*

Flamenco Performance

Post 87

Demon Drawer

Ah and here she is.

*Approaches his vice-presidential running mate and proceeds to the dance floor*

*A tango starts up*

Flamenco Performance

Post 88

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Nice outfit, Joanna! You look wonderful!

Good to have you both here. Feel free to specify your music for either of the bands if you want to dance.

I suppose you could have brought in the clock -- we can't very well keep DD's life supporting watches away from him smiley - smiley -- we're just trying to avoid people being clock-watchers at this party!

Flamenco Performance

Post 89


*joins DD*

Shall we? smiley - smiley

Tango Performance

Post 90

Demon Drawer

*the two of them glide graciously yet sexily into the middle of the floor*

*DD struts around Joanna and holds her close*


Post 91


Thank you smiley - smiley *smiles* I'll bring round the clock some other time, I suppose...


Post 92

Demon Drawer

*DD flicks Joanna's hairs over her other shoulder and the stride confidently across the floor towards the group were Celery and Web Jello are sitting*

Tango Performance

Post 93


*gazes into DDs eyes, & seems to dance hypnotised...*

Tango Performance

Post 94

Demon Drawer

*Just as they approach approach Celery DD dips Joanna in between the conversation he is currently having*

Tango Performance

Post 95


*catches the Celery's eye & holds it just too long for him to feel comfortable, before winking and turning back to DD*

Tango Performance

Post 96

Demon Drawer

You are so cruel.

*winks at Joanna*

*Turns her*

*Winks at the Celery*

*DD strides back into the centre of the dance floor, Joanna's left leg draoed over his right shoulder*

Tango Performance

Post 97

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

{{Dolores: Hmmm... nice tango! hee, hee... I wonder if she'd join me in the mosh pit? }}

Tango Performance

Post 98

Demon Drawer

*DD spins Joanna away from his body as the music reaches towards it's final cresendo*

*then he spins her back in close and lift her high over his head as the chord hits new peaks of noise*

*then during the final bar of softer music Joanna slides sensually done DD's side, until she lies on the ground holding his left leg as the music fades*

Tango Performance

Post 99

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))


Very nicely done. I love the Tango!

{{Dolores: [nudges Redbeard]}}

No Dolores, I'm not going to ask Joanna if she'll dance with you. You ask her.

Tango Performance

Post 100


*stands slowly and brushes her hair back over her shoulder*

*catches DD's eye*

If only you were straight....

smiley - winkeye


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