A Conversation for Celery-Webjello Party!

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 1

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Welcome to the Black-Tie Dinner for Celery-Webjello Campaign supporters. The Dining Room: Large interconnected banquet tables make conversation easy during dinner. Near the tables are plush sofas with small tables for those who prefer a more sybaritic style of dining. There is also a fireplace with easy chairs and end tables with brandy and cigars. The meal is served in rotating, never-ending courses, with all the options of the current course available at the table in front of you regardless of when you arrive. Staff will be happy to handle any special requests. Make yourself at home. Feel free to drift to the other rooms -- the Party/Dance room, and the Press Room -- at any time. Please note that this dinner is specifically to thank supporters of the campaign. Invitations have been sent to supporters, plus opposition candidates and the press. If you do not have an invitation, you may join as a supporter at http://www.h2g2.com/F47387?thread=62602 or simply announce here that you support Celery-Webjello 2000 and we'll add you to our supporters list, and you may enter the dinner. Otherwise, you are welcome to go attend the 'Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello' thread or the 'Press Room' thread on this page. For those entering the dining room -- since the press is here, it would be helpful to them if you would also announce what you are wearing when you arrive. This makes it easier for the entertainment columnists to write their fashion stories.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 2

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*Redbeard shows his invitation... he is dressed in black tie and tails, with a black highly polished cane*

*looks around, checks the floral and jade table centerpieces, checks to see that the fire is going well in the fireplace, and marvels at the art work on the walls*

The place looks wonderful!

*the members of the serving staff bring out the first items for early dinner guests to snack on: a variety of homemade breads, including 7-grain herb dinner rolls, sourdough buns, mini-cinnamon rolls, date-nut bread, and small loaves of warm whole wheat bread, with fresh butter, cream cheese, and honey available on the tables.*

*orders a martini and relaxes in one of the sofas*

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 3

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Loonytunes, invitation in hand, and wearing a morning suit made from New Zealand ankora cashmere enters.

This dark suit features red pin stripes. His tie, an official NZ All Black one, awarded to Loony after the memorable match against Australia when he scored the winning touch-down, features small silver pictures of rugby balls.

Throwing his red and white fedora hat, faultlessly, on to a blue velvet hook atop the burnished-gold hat-stand Loony joins Redbeard on the sofa.

A bottle of 50-year-old brandy please waiter.

Nice day for it Redbeard. But then of course everything The Celery and his delectable running mate, Ms D Webjello do is excellent.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 4

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

You're looking wonderful, Loony! I must say it's nice to have an excuse to dress up now and then. And I see you've got good taste in brandy as well.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 5

Researcher 99947

*Sporky enters, invitation in pocket... the pocket of a smashing burgundy and violet suit that is. Isn't he dashing?*

Ah, quite a setup... I wonder how much this cost a head.

*looks and finds tempah bar*

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 6

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

You don't scrub up too bad yourself Redbeard.

And I agree with you. A suit does make an excellent change from my usual winter attire of jeans and jersey.

The place is looking a treat.

Back in a minute, just popping down the corridor to check out the function room.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 7

Researcher 99947

Hmm... is this all being paid with campaign funds? Can we expect this sort of blatant wasting of money if Dolores and The Celery win, and - oh! Shrimp!!

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 8

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Hello Sporky! Burgundy and Violet! Wow! Positively rich-looking.

*switches to a glass of Celery's Six Grapes Port and some warm bread with honey*

The Celery's footing the bill for the dinner as a thank-you for the supporters. At least we know it's not coming from tax dollars, since there aren't any! smiley - smiley

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 9

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

Sporky, this charity event is being underwritten by a fellowship of friends of The Celery.

Every dollar spent here is matched by a $5 donation to Greenpeace. This money is specifically targeted to the Save The Whales campaign.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 10

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

We were keeping this secret. I felt we had to answer your scurrilous implication.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 11

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in on invitation posting at Lil's atelier, wearing a sleevless gown, leaving shoulders bare, upper part
figure-fitting, voluminous skirts, colour blue like clear summer sky, looks like velvet, but with an elvish glimmering, only piece of jewelry a pale blue pearl in silver chain around her neck*


Waiter, a gin & tonic, please

*finds herself a chair*

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 12

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

The man in the pin-striped suit, offers a Cape bluebell with five strong spikes of fluffy blue blooms with individual blossoms of such hyaline transparency that they resemble spun-glass flowers, to the beautful vision in blue who has made her way to a chair near his couch.

Enchanted mademoiselle..

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 13

Titania (gone for lunch)

Ah, how beautiful, merci monsieur Løøny! *pins flower on dress shoulder*

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 14

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here

*A waiter delivers a card to Loony. Resignedly he reads the card*

Titania, I must leave for a while. There is an emergency at the hospital. They need a top brain surgeon immediatly. I will be back as soon as I can.

Bows to Titania and leaves.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 15

Post Team

*shazz wafts in wearing a tight-fitting, low-cut taffeta dress which starts as palest blue on the bodice and graduates down to the deepest purple just above her shapely ankles. She is sporting a glittering, jewel-encrusted necklace and shoes of midnight blue which appear impossibly high.*
Hi to all!
* She waves her specially embossed invitation in one hand and a recording machine in the other.*
I thought that I would just check in here first, although I am very keen to go dancing first. What special cocktail have you laid on for this occasion Mr. Redbeard?
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 16

Titania (gone for lunch)

Greetings, Shazz, nice dress!smiley - smiley

I think this place is still a bit quite at the moment...

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 17

Post Team

Thank you... and you look ravishing as always smiley - smiley
I have just popped into the dance room next door... that is also a little quiet, so I am just going to have a few nibbles and a soft drink in there... this could be a long party, and the Press really should keep a clear head. smiley - bigeyes
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 18


*enters in a black evening gown, showing her invitation on the door*

Hello everyone - looks like I managed to make it in time after all... smiley - smiley

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 19

Witty Moniker

*Arrives at the entrance wearing a floor length backless satin sheath with just the right amount of decollatage. The colour defies accurate description, but it approaches a soft greyish green with a hint of luster. Her only jewelry is a small and tasteful tiara. She extracts her invitation from her matching bag.*

Hello, everyone. Doesn't the place look lovely?

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 20

Titania (gone for lunch)

Greetings, Alien and Witty! You look great, feels odd to see everyone all dressed up, it really makes a difference!smiley - smiley

But where are the gentlemen?

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