A Conversation for Celery-Webjello Party!

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 61

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

I'll join you for the brandy and cigar, ox. Makes a nice break in between courses.

From what I hear, the courses are actually going to be staggered significantly to allow for this kind of relaxation and to make room for the next one!

Do you prefer acoustic or electronic keyboards, ox?

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 62


I'll always be partial to the timbre of a fine grand piano but I'm excited by the updated workstations-full keyboard, sampler, sequencer, effects, midi through and to computer...as well as the reissue of some of the analog classic synth models. Ah...what a great world!

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 63

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*sips brandy*

I enjoy and am intriqued by the possibilities of electronic/computerized keyboards, but I'd give them all up for a good grand piano any day. I guess most of my electronic keyboard work was done in the earlier days where they were much more limited.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 64


*nods in agreement to RB*
Electric will never replace the touch and sound to me either, although I enjoy innovation. We should duet with two grand pianos for the tradition of it all!

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 65

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*hears discussion and comes over with wineglass and cigarette in holder*

I think it's extraordinary how fast synthesized sound has advanced but I'm worried about another facet of digital sound, and that's the flatness of some modern recordings of orchestras. I have noticed a couple where the triangle sounds as if it's right next to my ear and I begin to worry that the recording engineers are applying rock music balancing to the mix.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 66

Witty Moniker

*she re-enters the ballroom and takes another Y from another passing waiter*

I just took a stroll through the public rooms of the l'Hotel Chrome. A very elegant establishment, indeed. And the lounge really has some atmosphere.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 67

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Yes, the hotel seems to be coming along quite well, Witty. Chrome's done a good job with it. I'm guessing that it will become the elegant place to stay and have parties.

Lil, I've actually heard about some orchestras who have complained about the digital recording process and the mix that's being used for precisely those reasons and are raising money to do their own analog recordings!

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 68


*nods in agreement with Witty*

Lil, I agree. In trying to get as much Miles Davis as possible from Napster, I've been rather surprised at how hollow and tin-like some of the re-mixes of very warm original recordings sound. Methinks the engineers be dull witted.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 69

Styx the Rat

*Enters quietly and looks around*
*has on backpack from elf lady. Asteroid Lil brushed him and he is gleaming and clean and sleek, red eyes glowing. Shiny studs on ODradek collar*
sniff sniff sniff
Complicated food.
*sees food lady and darts through tables and feet*
Asteroid Lil. Redbeard. Ox.
I'm safe with you people, right? Odradek here?

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 70

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Hi Styx! Welcome to the dinner. If the food looks too complicated I'm sure we can find something you'd like.

I believe Odra is over in the other room on the dance floor.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 71


Styx! You look elegant! Odra's moshing...good to see you!

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 72

Witty Moniker

*a bit tentative, but sincere*

Hello, Styx. How are you?

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 73

Styx the Rat

*gets on chair and puts paw on ox shoulder*
Rats are the best survivors. Need advice, come to Styx.
Redbeard. I smell good meat. Another course comes soon, right? Somebody bring me ginger ale with a cherry in it.

Opposition not here?

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 74

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*drifts in, clad elegantly in a simple, sheer, thin-strapped white silk sheath dress, a slit at the side, open back with thin white silk straps across the back, on the whole looking very Audrey-Hepburn-esque. Her hair is spiked, yes, but her wispy bangs frame her face elegantly, and small diamonds are scattered throughout her hair. She wears elbow-length white gloves, strappy silver heels, a tasteful diamond pendant and matching bracelet*

Hello, all. l'm rather simulexisting due to my...ah...responsibilities with Dolores -- l worry she'd crank up the volume so loud she'd cause structural damage to the hotel!

ls Styx still here? There's food, so l'd not be surprised...but if he's looking for the usual me, 's where l am...

*gets herself a Cosmopolitan from the bar and sits*

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 75


Hi, Odra! Thanks, Styx..you're probably the only one who could really survive out there and have a good sense of humor at the same time! I was taking it seriously but I think I should lighten up and enjoy the absurdity of it all...

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 76

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Well, it looks like we've got some hungry people here -- and a hungry rat! I'll let the chef know that we're ready for some entrées. That means there will be meat, Styx.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 77

Witty Moniker

Hi, Odra. The gloves are a nice touch. Very elegant.

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 78

Styx the Rat

*looks at Odra and red eyes gleam*
*touches collar*
heh heh heh Which one of those diamond talks?

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 79

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*wanders back to the bar, gets gingerale for Styx*

Thanks, Witty. l do love long gloves, really...even though they have an awful tendency to get snagged on bracelets, if you wear them, or on anything else.

Hey, ox? l'm thinking l may have to drop Survivor. l don't want to, but l don't think l can manage it. l might have a replacement for myself, though...he's about as psychotic as l am, or can be, though...

Formal Dinner - Invitation Only

Post 80

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*grins at Styx; motions subtly to two diamonds -- one set just behind her ear, for recieving, and a bindi dot on her face, for transmitting*

Gingerale for you.

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