A Conversation for Celery-Webjello Party!

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 41

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*ducks to miss Odra and gets slammed by Dolores*


That was fun!

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 42

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*lands near the stage, switches off the fog machine, brings up the lights a bit, and signals the band to kick into something heavy and moshable*
Maybe a little Slipknot in honour of QMike...

*band obliges and the slam-dance-mania continues*

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 43

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

*walks in, in a dapper red satin smoking jacket and black slacks, bubble pipe in mouth, accordian strapped to back*
Hello, mind if I drop in? I'm new, but kinda interested in the campaign, and very intrested in raves.
*lays accordian by couch, and skips over to the rave area, begins moshing violently*
Dolores should crowdsurf!

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 44

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*yells into mosh pit*
Welcome Superluminal! Or should I say Fruitloop?
Good to have you here.

Hope to hear the accordian later. You're always welcome to sit in with the band.

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 45

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

Thanks Red! *thinks to himself as he's being jostled and smashed about...*
"hmmm...polka rave....yes...*

We need more pyrotechnics in here Odra! That'll mean less oxygen intact, so we can get really wacky!

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 46

Styx the Rat

*leaps at frootloop and 4-leg bounces off his shoulderblade to jump at webjello. bounces high up and giggles*

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 47

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*suddenly a huge live-Metallica-show-esque cloud of fire and sparks blasts up from the stage. Flashpaper ignites and the air fills with ozone as roman candles go off right and left. Odra emerges from the smoke, grinning like a maniac and wielding sparklers*

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 48

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*a hail of sparks continue to fall....and the band plays on....*

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 49

Superluminal Fruitloop(The Smartest Kid on Earth)

Oh, that'll do fine Odra.

*breathes in the smoke*

Yessssss....I can see the music....

*staggers to the edge of the floor, and finds a switch*

Huh, what's this doo-hickey?

*flip! goes the switch, and two tall cages slowly lower down on chains, just big enough to fit a person in each, maybe two*

Far out....we seriously needed dancing cage chicks.

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 50

Titania (gone for lunch)

*floating in, hesitantly*

Is there anyone around in 'Blue Danube' part of dance floor?

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 51

Styx the Rat

*growls and dives under platform*
hate bright lights they hurt my eyes
*soon regains full night vision and begins to look around with interest* heh heh heh, underworld.

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 52

Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)

*to Fruitloop, sharply*
Do -not- make Titania be a cage-dancing chick.
Good boy.

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 53

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

I'll join you over on the other side of the dance floor if you'd like. I'd love to have a dance with you.

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 54

Titania (gone for lunch)

Delighted!smiley - smiley

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 55

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*goes to side of dance floor away from the moshing*
Bandleader, some more waltzes, please. Maybe a medley.

You look positively exquisite, Titania. That dress works very well for you.

*offers his arm to Titania*

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 56

Titania (gone for lunch)

*charmed by Redbeard's compliments*

smiley - smiley

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 57

Titania (gone for lunch)

(smiley - smiley meaning yes! certainly!*

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 58

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

*starts to waltz with Titania, enjoying the flow of her voluminous skirts and how the color of the dress works with the blue pearl around her neck*

I do enjoy this!

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 59

Titania (gone for lunch)

My other self, Kristina the Flamenco Dancer, is feeling very inspired tonight. If you want to, she might be persuaded to perform..

Party and Dance for Celery-Webjello

Post 60

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

That would be wonderful!

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