A Conversation for Celery-Webjello Party!

The Dance Floor and Bar

Post 221


Gagdreek: Wow. It sure is quite here. Is this party OVER? I guess so.

The Dance Floor and Bar

Post 222

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

I think that the party is *officially* over. I'm sure that it can be restarted if you are interested, however. smiley - smiley


The Dance Floor and Bar

Post 223


Gagdreek: Nah. If they want it over, it can be over. I'm working on a party of my own anyway. You're welcome to come.

The Dance Floor and Bar

Post 224

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Let me know when and where!


The Dance Floor and Bar

Post 225


Gagdreek: Well, we just created it and haven't sent out intitations yet, but you can go ahead and come whenever you want.

Right here: http://www.h2g2.com/A414073

The Dance Floor and Bar

Post 226

Redbeard (Thanks to all who supported The Celery!))

Sounds great, Gagdreek! We'd love to stop by and check it out!

And while this party is over, we hope to have another one here once the election is over -- Maybe even bigger than the first one! smiley - bigeyes

The Dance Floor and Bar

Post 227


Gagdreek: Well come on to our party then. We'd be glad to have you too.

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