A Conversation for H2G2 Waterworks: The Sewers

Iron Lifejackets

Post 161

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Can't my own monster defend me against all the other?
Do monsters eat monsters?

Iron Lifejackets

Post 162

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

What's that slimy, furry, green, bloody, festering thing coming torwards me?

Iron Lifejackets

Post 163


The slimy, furry, green, bloody, festering thing coming towards you is, in fact, a Photographus Mememememememepleaseprettyprettyplease monster, otherwise known as the Camera-Posing monster. It loves being photographed, and is quite harmless as long as you take several photgraphs of it. It won't kill you, as long as you promise to get copies of the photos and send them to it. It's very vain.

ANd yes, your monster would be a very good Guard monster as long as you train it well.

Iron Lifejackets

Post 164

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I don't have a camera with me, do you think it will notice that the stone I'm holding in front of my face is no real camera??

Iron Lifejackets

Post 165


As long as you say ">click<" very loudly, and quickly switch this torch *hands torch over* on and off very fast so that it looks like a camera flash, it'll never know the difference. But if you do do that, you'd better buy a photo of it from our giftshop and send it to him, otherwise he'll think that you've photographed him and have refused to send him a copy - and he'll be angry!

Iron Lifejackets

Post 166


Mooonnnnsster Waaaaarrds! Get yer Monster Wards here! Guarenteed to keep you alive*

I also have a nice line in disposable cameras, including those novelty Polaroid, Sticky Film ones.

*Please Note: Guarentee only applies to owners who apply in person, with proof of failure, signed by a defrocked priest.

Iron Lifejackets

Post 167

Zeek, the Keeper of Intertemporal Reality Disruptions and Paradoxical Equations, Honorary Muse of Photoshop Photograph Edits <

(tosses a molotov cocktail at a metal thingy coming at him from the left)


Iron Lifejackets

Post 168

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

It worked out, I'm still alive!

Is there a monster I never have to feed, and that never pees on the carpet and doesn't make any noise?
I consider buying another monster for my radioactiv one to play with.

Iron Lifejackets

Post 169


Yes, we have monsters like that. Some of which are even still alive!
You should try the Rock Monster. During the day time, it turns into a brick and looks like a peice of the Berlin wall. It is a distant relative of several trolls we found one day. At night time it, well, no-one knows what it does at night time, as no-one's ever seen one at night. Rumours say they become invisible. But they make very good pets.

Iron Lifejackets

Post 170

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I'll take it!
You still have my credit card.
I like to shop. This place is perfect for me. And the window decoration lookes so real, like these 5-headed snakes over there...

Iron Lifejackets

Post 171


What? Oh, you mean Norris. He's very lifelike, though more of a mutated Siamese twin than a monster. He's quite friendly, and would make a lovely pet, but you have to feed him 5 times as much as a normal vegetarian snake, so he's expensive to look after... He also gets depressed, and sometimes has Black Moods...

Iron Lifejackets

Post 172

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

I just created a Eau de toilette:
"Sewage-a scent of fear and panic"
Do you want some for your sewage shop?

Iron Lifejackets

Post 173

Peet (the Pedantic Punctuation Policeman, Muse of Lateral Programming Ideas, Eggcups-Spurtle-and-Spoonswinner, BBC Cheese Namer & Zaphodista)

Eau de toilette - I feel a literal translation is in order...

Iron Lifejackets

Post 174


"Toilet water - scent of a sewer".. sounds great to me, Hannah smiley - bigeyes Yes, I think that it would be a very remarkable and popular idea. smiley - smiley

Iron Lifejackets

Post 175

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

I'll take 10 bottles.

Iron Lifejackets

Post 176


Where to?

Iron Lifejackets

Post 177

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

10 bottles makes 20 triganic pus or what ever the currency in the sewage is...
I don't care what you use it for, take it as toilet water or whatever, if you just pay me.
It's good to get rid of vermin.

Iron Lifejackets

Post 178

TechnicolorYawn (Patron Saint of the Morally Moribund)

*shocked* You mean you're not in it for the love of the toilet-water manufacturing industry?

Iron Lifejackets

Post 179


You're not exploiting my sewer for the pursuit of greed and selfishness??!?

Iron Lifejackets

Post 180

Hannah (Adrasteia, not fully human yet, but almost)

Sorry, of course I love toilet-water.
Have a smiley - fish from me.

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