h2g2 Post 09.12.04

1 Conversation

Posted: 9th December 2004


December marches on apace

First of all, a big thank you for all the best wishes last week. An especial mention must go to Max Head Room for personally delivering 5 pieces of cake and 5 balloons to Shazz on Thursday evening. The cake, cribbed no doubt from his son's 5th birthday celebrations, was delicious. The balloons are still adorning the Post Office although reduced to 4 in number as one was attacked by a prickly bush - I thought I did well getting any home tied to the back of my bicycle at 4am!

Talking of things Dutch, we still intend to report on the recent Dutch Meet and, perhaps, run a Caption Competition either over Christmas or in the New Year. There are also Dutch Lessons available on h2g2 as a part of The h2g2 Language Thing! Very appropriate as next week is International Language Week.

There are a few things you need to be aware of. Firstly, the last Post of 2004 will appear next week on the 16th December. The Post Office will effectively shut just after this and re-open early in the New Year. You can still email articles through at this time but, with my change of email server, acknowledgement messages are no longer possible. Please do try to send any items for the bumper Christmas/New Year edition through by midnight GMT on Monday, 13th December.

Finally, the Christmas Poetry Competition(s). Remember that entries must arrive by the deadline mentioned above, must be sent to the correct email address and must include a title, your h2g2 user number and name. Details of where and how to send your votes will appear in the Christmas Edition. Because of the holiday period voting has been extended until Monday 3rd January and the results will be announced in the first edition of 2005 on 6th January.

Happy Reading!






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