Thee Incredible Weirdness of Being

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Who Else Shot Up Columbine?

It is a popular myth that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the so-called 'Columbine shooters', acted alone. Quite how this lie got around despite the reports in local papers plus the official police report is a mystery. Most telling is the story given by a local newspaper which begins 'Three young men... opened fire at a suburban Denver high school Tuesday.' So local reports say that there was at least one other person. One eyewitness report describes one of the shooters as having 'dark brown hair, thick bushy eyebrows, and was
very ugly'. This description does not match either Harris or Klebold. Then, of course, there is the fact that the police, having called in SWAT teams, were unable to enter, as they were outgunned! Seriously, how the f*** could two teenagers with basic at best gun training and armed only with handguns fend of four highly trained, well armed SWAT teams?

Similarly, the official report states that the killers turned their guns on themselves in the library at about midday; they were presumably seen through a window. However, local newspaper Denver Post reports that shooting went on until about 3:45 pm. Strange how Harris and Klebold could have kept fighting despite being dead. However, all
the eyewitness reports say that there were, in fact, five to eight shooters in total. In a situation such as this, it is fairly easy to get confused and it is possible that, in some cases, extra shooters were merely the same ones being reported differently by panicky witnesses. Still, there is a lot of difference between two and five people with guns and I happen to believe that there were in fact eight. The official police report lists the following perpetrators in addition to Harris and Klebold:

  1. A man in a white T-shirt and blue jeans, seen together with Harris and Klebold just before the shooting began. This guy did not fire a gun, but threw home-made grenades (fashioned from soda cans) onto the roof. Some exploded. He seems to have been older, probably a graduate.
  2. A student about the age of Harris and Klebold with bad acne and teeth, and a strange way of walking. He looked very distinctive and there is no way he could have been confused with anyone else. When specifically asked, students denied that he was Harris or Klebold, though all three wore trenchcoats. This brings our total up to four. He was also shooting.
  3. Another older man, whose age has been estimated at about 25 - 35, was seen with Klebold outside the science room at around 11:45 am. He was described as being well-built, muscular, with a thick neck and spiky hair. A sketch of this man made by a student is displayed on page 79 of Everything You Know Is Wrong: The Disinformation Guide To
    Secrets And Lies.
    Again, this guy seems to have been shooting.
  4. Another student was seen hanging out with Harris, Klebold, and the acne guy. This guy was the only one in the group wearing camouflage pants and no trenchcoat. He was not shooting, but carrying a heavy-looking backpack. It is believed that he was carrying the explosives.
  5. Several reports and testimonies mention that there was a sniper on the roof. Some say he was wearing black, some people say white, and some say red. It is possible that these differing reports simply refer to people noticing different items of clothing, or perhaps there was more than one sniper. Either way, the official story never mentions
    anyone on the roof. There was at least one, however, and this brings our total up to at least seven, possibly nine.
  6. Whenever any student other than Harris or Klebold is mentioned in the official FBI report, their name is blanked out. However, a bit of sloppiness indicates that one of them was named Joe: the statements 'He did hear one suspect call the other "Joe"' and "She's positive she heard smiley - bleep and not "yo"' both appear in the
    official police report. Joe is the closest name to yo there is.
  7. The police report does appear to identify other shooters; however, it is possible that these are merely the same shooters already mentioned who had merely moved to different places and were possibly identified differently by panicked witnesses.
  8. One student who used to hang out with Harris and Klebold named one of the shooters, but this named was blanked in the police report. He also identifies two other friends of Harris and Klebold as Nathan Dykman and Christopher something. They are reported as being
    capable of such an act. Could these have been among those already mentioned?

All statements are taken from the official police report. Names have been omitted to protect privacy

Until we meet again, my friend, this is Hussassan, signing off.

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