A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 881

Chris Tonks

*orders himself a lemonade, as he's being agravated at the 'station...*
Please, you don't want to know...smiley - sadface

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 882

Researcher 99947

Thanx for the link lil....

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 883

Lonnytunes - Winter Is Here


21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 884

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive


21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 885

Styx the Rat


*looks around, red eyes glaring*
sniff sniff
No tex-mex food? Just donuts?? Feh!! Matina bot. Open the fridge. Food lady will hear about this.

*climbs into fridge looking for things to eat and falls into wormhole in salad drawer*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 886


*Walks upstairs, wearing a grin of unsurpressed glee, probably about his latest invention. When he enters, he notices the open fridge*

Er, Matina? Were you aware there was a rift in the space/time continuum in this fridge? I never noticed it before. Is it new?

*Matina, currently busy with several cards, just gives Affy a disdainful look, shrugs, and carries on with her duties*

You know, I should really try to stop programming robots to not be worried about how they act to me. Anyway, I think I'll take a look...

*Pokes his head through rift. Pulls it back in*

Okay, that's odd. I'll need a spectro-sphere for this.

*Walks down stairs, gleeful that he'll get to use his latest invention*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 887

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

*emerges from studio at half past midnight, red-eyed but happy*

I think I've reconstructed a face people could like. Matina, a Y of champagne please. What?

Matina: the rat is lost in the fridge, Kyria.

Oh. Oh! That's the wormhole in the crisper drawer that Diogenes discovered. I think it goes to the municipal park but I'm not sure. I mean, do wormholes move? It used to go to the municipal park. I'm sure Styx will be OK, although he may get annoyed.

Everybody who reads backlog: I am sorry about not having the dinner as planned, but we had utterly magnificent storms today, and the local dialup number got knocked out. I went to do some shopping and just stood in the parking lot and watched the clouds and the lightning bolts and the approaching curtains of rain. It was beautiful. But I was unable to log on this evening, and then I got lost in my work anyway.

And I guess I better start announcing my impending trip to New Mexico. Worst case is I'll be completely offline from 16 September to 1 October...

*takes Y from Matina and goes out to veranda, but uturns*
Matina, a pound of raw steak for Violet in the morning, please, and a bucket of water.

*goes back out in time to see Violet nod thanks, then relaxes in the chaise lounge to watch fireflies* I wonder if any of those guys work for Amy?

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 888


Phew! nearly 400 post backlog since last week. The annoying thing is I haven't even been on holiday, except for 2 days over last weeks Bank Holiday. This is the first proper time on in nearly 12 days!
Christ knows when I will be back on.
Anyway, {[B17]} for now.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 889


Hi Lil, having had a bit of accsessing prob, I havent been able to be here much lately.
I hear you are going to Mexico soon, please tell us more?

*attaches note to fridge-door with a magnet that looks like a slice of cucumber.*

I may as well have a drink now that I'm here.
B: Matina! Is there any beer left in the fridge?
Matina: yes
B: well?
Matina: yes?
B: oh, never mind!
*Gets the beer from the fridge herself and take it with her out on the veranda.*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 890

Titania (gone for lunch)

*pouring Lil and herself another Y of champagne*

Hi Bumblebee!smiley - smiley

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 891

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive


None of the fireflies are mine. Beetles are very difficult to train. Headlice, now, they're different but I refuse to reveal my sources.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 892


*reads note from Amy*
Headlice? Brrrrr, just the thought of them makes me itch.
**gets another beer*
Cheers girls!

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 893

Chris Tonks

*Now suddenly in brighter spirits, he decides to take his lemonade with him and sit down somewhere...*

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 894



21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 895


{O} *leaves card in silver dish*

Hello, is Lil around? I haven't seen her in such a long time! Looks like I missed Styx, too. Oh, well...


21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 896

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Oh, I'm here, after a morning of extremely intense conversation with extremely important people. Important in the photography world.

It's official: I'm a crackpot. But at least a good sort of crackpot. The kind of crackpot who gets more work from the people who think she's a crackpot.

The fellow who is in charge of conserving and teaching about very old photos has something he thinks I would like to do after Billy. But he also thinks that some of the stuff I have reproduced in the process of restoring the picture is not of the original image because it's too well focussed. As to what it ~is~, well, the jury is out.

I have had twice as much coffee as I usually do this morning, and that after sleeping a bit late because I worked till 2:30 this morning. And so, after this long conversation with a guru (a nice one, though), I feel all rattly and unable to settle back down to close detail work. Agh!

Hello everybody. Nice to see ox has stopped by, and that my good friends still visit me regularly. Matina, I need some green tea, please.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 897

Mike A (snowblind)

He called you a crackpot to your face?

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 898


*hurries in*

Wow! You are NOT a crackpot in my book, but if you have to be one to the photo restoration world then a Crafty one it is. Good to see you Lil. I didn't want to miss you before your journey.

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 899

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

*Irving walks in with a huge cart. The cart is steaming. The aroma coming from under the multiple dishes on it is absolutely wonderful. Fresh roasted chilis can be smelt along with machaca (sp?), traditional red chili, traditional green chili, and other wonderful smells*

Lil, I realize that this isn't Tex Mex, but I stopped by my favorite mexican food restaraunt and brought this. Carmen is, if I may say so, the greatest cook in the world when it comes to Sonoran Cuisine. Nothing fancy, but good soul food. It's the stuff I'm missing up here in Flagstaff.

First we have the Chilis Rellenos (forgive my spelling in any of this)
A plate full of soft shelled Mexican Tacos -- a variety including shredded beef, ground beef (for you gringos), and chicken.
Two dozen of her green corn tamales -- 12 veggie, 12 with chicken
A pot of her green chili.
A pot of her red chili.
A pot of refried beans (Carmen manages to make them taste delicious without the lard).
And several dozen freshly made flour tortillas.

She's won awards for the tamales, and both varieties of chili. So everyone chow down. Make yourselves burros (that's the bigger form of burrito -- mostly american places serve burros and call them burritos) out of either chili, or the beans. Just help yourselves!

~Irving, who is now VERY hungry. (too bad there's no good Mexican food in Flagstaff smiley - sadface )

21Xst Conversation at Lil's

Post 900


Irv! Mmmmm....*eyeing the green chili* May I be greedy, please?

*helps self*

*munch yum snarf*

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