A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1201

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

It has something to do with the ceremony itself. If the couple is married in the temple, they are "sealed," which translates to being together not only on earth, but in the afterlife, as well. There are things involving veils and walking through them...

Frankly, it seems a bit odd to me, that people would be willing to exclude family members from their wedding for the sake of a temple wedding.

Which, perhaps, is why I am not Mormon.

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1202


I can understand if you really believe in an afterlife, and you really believe that you will be with the person even after death then I can see why not having some family members at your wedding wuold be a small scarafice.

Imagine the scene at the pearly gates, "no you're no longer married to each other, you got married outside the Temple so that your aunt Ethel could come and watch"

[when are we wrapping this up?]

Post 1203

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

Conclusion is easily enough achieved. However, if you ask an active member of "the church" they will tell you that polygamy was not dropped because they wanted statehood that it was "the will of God".

Bunch of hooey if you ask me.


So, with the storm breaking, the zombies in jail, the kidnapper cooks in confusion and Matina comtemplating her implements...

Post 1204

Garius Lupus

Congratulations, Lil. Do you have a copy of the image you presented on your site for us to see? You said you changed it at the last minute - how?

Amy - do you have a link to the article carrying your donkey graphic? I'd like to see it, but the day has passed when it was on the front page. Actually, it would be helpful if people include a link when they praise a front page graphic, since the backlog readers may be reading the backlog long past when the image is actually on the front page.

Regarding our home improvements: they are progressing. smiley - erm We have fixed numerous things around the house and have started on a number of projects. On Friday we went to IKEA and spent $600, mostly on window coverings (plus a desk for our daughter), and spent Saturday installing them. We have painted the garage door and the front screen door and have prepared the front door itself for painting. The front threshold is oak, but was neglected at some point in its history and was baddly pitted and grooved. I borrowed a friend's belt sander and it is much improved - just needs painting now. We are in the process of stripping the wallpaper from the front hall. Unfortunately, the plaster underneath it is poorly done. Originally, there was stucco in the front hall, and someone plastered over it, but the plaster is not very smooth. We would like to paint, but may be forced to repaper instead. I'll have a go at smoothing out the plaster myself and see how it ends up.

We have also had a contractor in and had a bunch of windows replaced. It's nice to have windows that actually open. He's due back this week to replace the basement stairs.

Oh, and we've been through a couple of handfuls of paint chips and have decided on the colours we will be painting the various rooms. This process took much longer than it sounds. smiley - erm

the salonistas decided it was safe to return to the atelier, Wnda Ng eloped with Tim, the bookmaker's runner,

Post 1205

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

I have a serious problem with any person or authority that presumes to interpret for me "the intent of God."

the salonistas decided it was safe to return to the atelier, Wnda Ng eloped with Tim, the bookmaker's runner,

Post 1206

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Stay away from Utah then, Lil. People will decide what God's intent for you is all the time.

Matina escaped to the kitchen to start a fresh batch of cinnamon buns, and as for Yoko, well.....

Post 1207


I've always been a skeptic. I used to envy people who believed strongly in one religion or another, since it must be comforting to them to be so certain about their lives. I can't reach that point. Too many questions with unsatisfactory answers. But I have decided that they aren't any happier or more content or less fearful than the rest of us. And a good deal more isolated.

the salonistas decided it was safe to return to the atelier, Wnda Ng eloped with Tim, the bookmaker's runner,

Post 1208

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

yeah, Utah is a unique place. The closest thing to a theocracy on this side of the world.

The STBX will be home tonight, and although that isn't the greatest thing, it will be nice to get out of the house after being home alone with my daughter and her flu for 4 days!


Post 1209

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

The link for GL: A1141787


Post 1210

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

This is pretty funny:
(sorry if it makes the room stretch a bit!)


Post 1211

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Engrish is always a good choice for whiling away the boring days. Trouble is I did that on saturday.


Post 1212

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - run]


Post 1213

Bald Bloke

I have a personal theory that organised religion is there as a crutch for those whose brain can't handle the words "I don't know"



Post 1214


Umm sounds about right, but sometimes the social side is nice, but then the social side of revolutionary left wing politics was good fun as well. And far fewer rules about what you can and can't do either. You can almost want to stay despite the fact that you don't want a revolition.

and, strangely, Tatiana McSly died from...

Post 1215

Garius Lupus

Excellent graphic, Amy. smiley - oksmiley - biggrin Thanks.


Post 1216

Bald Bloke

In my experience the social side of religion has very little to do with the religion itself (If it did I wouldn't be there)

As for the politics bit I ran into some old friends from the SWP the other day, it turned into a good argument / drinking session just like the old days smiley - smiley

a scorching case of herpes. The cook eloped with the faithful retainer, and

Post 1217


::raises a glass of smiley - redwine in toast to BB::

I feel the same way too. I think organized religion is nothing more than a nightlight for adults who are afraid of the dark--i.e. death. But hey, if you need a light, more power to you. Just don't force it on everyone else.


Post 1218


Mmmm that's the reason I was involved in the SWP in my youngher naive days, the left has all the best parties, not to mention a taste for real ale.


Post 1219

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

In most cases, I would agree with that.

the whole take ended happily ever after. Or did it?

Post 1220


Hmmm, I have been asked to take part in a survey on convertible cars commissioned by the 'automotive industry' and as the time was not convenient the researcher is coming back tomorrow afternoon for a 45-50 minute interview. I shall get a £10 voucher for my time.

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