A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

...they were told to take shots for that.

Post 1161

Mr. Cyde: The Tearer and Master of Bad Jokes.

Happy Day!

...they were told to take shots for that.

Post 1162

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

to you as well.

I feel so accomplished. I hung a mirror, made and hung curtains, washed my sheets and hung them out to dry before putting them back on the bed, cleaned the bathroom, including the litter box, cleaned the kitchen, and am about to sweep and wash all the linoleum floors.

So far, so good.

...they were told to take shots for that.

Post 1163

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - zzz

...they were told to take shots for that.

Post 1164



...they were told to take shots for that.

Post 1165



...they were told to take shots for that.

Post 1166




Post 1167

marvthegrate LtG KEA

Well, I may be in a monkey suit (tux) again very soon. The good Doctor's brother noised about the posibility of having me be part of his wedding in a few weeks.

I would be quite honoured to be a part of that affair as well, but it does mean another tux for me. Hopefully he will let me know soon.

Matina released she would have to make her oen escape from the kidnappers..

Post 1168


Marv, I think men look gorgeous in tuxs/dinner jackets. H has two, one black and one white, but he hasn't had much chance to wear them recently.

Matina released she would have to make her oen escape from the kidnappers..

Post 1169

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Yes, I have a thing about men in dinner jackets too.

Today I have to go for a medical examination in a place known just as 'Government Buildings'. Very Big Brother (in the literary sense, nothing to do with Channel 4).

Matina released she would have to make her oen escape from the kidnappers..

Post 1170

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well done, Lil!smiley - ok

I wish they'd turn on the heating in my flat soon - only 16.6ºC this morning (61.9ºF) - indoors!

Matina released she would have to make her oen escape from the kidnappers..

Post 1171


Well done Lil smiley - biggrin

Hope the exam goes well and you've revised for it Amy smiley - silly

Matina released she would have to make her oen escape from the kidnappers..

Post 1172

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

Darn it. I knew I'd forgotten something. I'll have to busk it. smiley - biggrin


Post 1173

Good Doctor Zomnker (This must be Tuesday," said GDZ to himself, sinking low over his Dr. Pepper, "I never could get the hang of Tuesdays.")

It probably didn't help Marv's case that I told the bride to be that Marv had mentioned that he would wear the suit if asked.

she reached behind and retrieved her...

Post 1174


It's cloudy and dreary here this morning, but at least the heat has broken and we had rain over the weekend.

Marv, I have a question about Mormon weddings. There is a family who use the library a lot who are Mormons. The daughter decided she wanted to be married in the Temple in Salt Lake. So they all packed up and travelled out there. I was told by another person that the wedding party had to be rearranged because they wouldn't let the brides younger brother inside the building because he was too young or hadn't been a missionary yet or something. Is that what really happens?

I'm too curious to wait until they all get back to find out. And since you're the resident expert on weddings....smiley - grovel

...Swiss army knife, with thousand and one gadgets, like...

Post 1175

Titania (gone for lunch)

[smiley - bluebutterfly]


Post 1176

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I'm back! That was a very strange medical.

When I got there the reception was unmanned. Eventually a girl came out of an adjacent office and did the necessary, although not with good grace. I hope they didn't pay the charm school much. She told me that the appointments were running 40 minutes behind schedule and that I should sit in the waiting area and wait. Fortunately I'd taken a book.

The next person to arrive was told that the appointments were running 50 minutes late. The one after that was given a waiting time of an hour and the one after that was told an hour and a half. When the next guy arrived we were taking bets on the time she'd say but she ruined it by sending him home. He'll be sent another appointment by post. I think that's a bit much because the place is not easy to get to.

Eventually I got to see the doctor who was very nice. He was required to ask me questions and type the answers directly into his computer as we went along. This was frustrating because he was a pick-and-peck typist and the system kept on losing all the answers so we had to start again several times. Also, I'd already answered these questions in detail on a form which he had in front of him.

Eventually we moved on to a section of new questions which were nothing to do with health. He asked me if I could read! Then he asked me what I read. I was a bit flummoxed by this and said, 'Er, early twentieth century novels and...' He stopped me there and typed in 'books'. Apparently he usually gets told the titles of magazines or comics.

Then he asked me if I could touch my toes. I said that I could and he made me demonstrate this ability. I haven't been asked to do that in a medical since I was five!

Anyway, I survived. Although I missed one of the buses on the way home due to brain failure.

embroidery scissors, and

Post 1177

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Coyote pack made a kill on the north bench at about 5 this morning -- much celebratory howling and yipping. Another sign of changing seasons is finding the cats already on the bed when I wake up.

Household chores all morning -- I've let everything slide while I was preparing for the talk.

Amy, good luck on the examination -- this won't be spinal tapping again, will it?

embroidery scissors, and

Post 1178

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

I'm hoping to avoid the Spinal Tap and stick to the Status Quo, Lil.

smiley - biggrin

a small hydraulic jackhammer, and

Post 1179

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

simulpost, Amy -- that sounds surreal! If it had been me, I would have offered to do his typing for him. I will frequently lean over the counter when an employee is having trouble inputting information, to see a. what kind of system it is and b. whether it's bad software or a stupid employee.

Bad software -- an example would be one that wouldn't refine a name search beyond the word "Smith". Bad employee -- doesn't know how to refine his/her search beyond the letter "S"... smiley - silly

...1/2 inch star bit...

Post 1180

jr52 (ting-a-)


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