A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Even more fortunately the medical student was an expert in pickle sandwiches.

Post 1101

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

The London Eye is a big ferris wheel type thing.

http://www.londoneye.com/default.asp (popup alert)

Another flash of lightening heralded...

Post 1102


As the Eye is sponsored by British Airways, you take a flight not a ride on it. The views are amazing and it is hilarious listening to people who think they know London, or have no sense of direction what so ever, pointing out sights and they are miles out smiley - laugh I would love to take a night flight on it, that must really be something.

Another flash of lightening heralded...

Post 1103


Zantic & I took a 'flight' just before I moved up here. (There was no way I would have got Munchkin to play smiley - winkeye)

We were able to prebook and the website tels you when sunset is for any particlar day. I would highly recommend going at sunset on a clear day smiley - wow

my grasp of nodnoL geography is hazy, but Zan helped no end smiley - smiley

Another flash of lightening heralded...

Post 1104


My apologies. I meant to include this link for everyone to explain about the Eye. A944318
smiley - bluefish

Another flash of lightening heralded...

Post 1105


Hi, everyone ! Coelecanth, that looks like a really fascinating ride. If I ever make it to London it's on my list !

My theory of why we're all so stressed out : You made fun of Marv's big feet. As anyone who lives here can attest this leads to much violence and stress. smiley - smiley

a herald

Post 1106

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

smiley - laugh

who's name was, surprisingly enough, Harold.

Post 1107

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

The Eye looks interesting, but at $22, a bit pricey!

He wsa registered with the College of Heralds (which really does exist)..

Post 1108


It is money well spent MR and remember to take your binoculars.

However it has planning permission for only 5 years and so would be due for demolish in 18 months time. I know there was a campaign to make it permanent, but I haven't read any recent items on it, so hopefully that decision has been overturned.

Our poor little firewall is being constantly pinged presumably due to the tail end of sobig-f. H has been keeping an eye on the logs and it has managed to fend off a couple of attempts to take over our LAN, all rather nasty really.

And had an arrow in his eye

Post 1109

Bald Bloke


Caer suffering the same thing here loads of pings and so much ARP traffic that the light on the modem is nearly permanently on smiley - sadface

The level doesn't seem to be going down so either theres still a load of unpatched machines out there or something else is also about.

And had an arrow in his eye

Post 1110


*phew* h2g2 has been so Slllllllllllloooooooooooowww today, I've just got back online after some hours. Fortunatly I've managed to learn the complications of kidney transplants in the meantimes, which was useful.

And had an arrow in his eye

Post 1111

Titania (gone for lunch)

S-l-o-w indeed... *happily ignorant of any pings but thinking that she probably ought to be grateful instead of irritated when her anti-virus programme prods her to download the latest update files at least once a week, if not twice*

. Fortunately it wasn't a real arrow but a fancy contact lens

Post 1112

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Webjello! I'm already finished my break before I even get to see a page...

. Fortunately it wasn't a real arrow but a fancy contact lens

Post 1113


What's amazing that despite the speed of the site, 93 researchers have still logged in to do battle with it! Fortunately Jim Lynn is one of them so hopefully things may improve soon

. Fortunately it wasn't a real arrow but a fancy contact lens

Post 1114

marvthegrate LtG KEA



Post 1115

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive

*hides in a paperbag*


Post 1116


Would someone who isn't a dolt like myself (which would be any of you) please tell me why when I try to post on OTD, I get a Yahoo screen for about a second then it vanishes and I'm back to the message I'm trying to respond to?



Post 1117

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

ah, that one I don't know. I've had no probs with hootoo today (other than the aforementioned webjello), but I'm on the school's ethernet system, so I'm relatively well-connected.


Post 1118




Post 1119


Well I think it's working faster for me today actually... hopefully anyway.


Post 1120

Titania (gone for lunch)

Still slow for me, but just when I try to load conversations or make a posting - loading entries and my list of conversations is no problem...smiley - huh Sunny but chilly morning today - I could see my breath!smiley - brr

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