A Conversation for LIL'S ATELIER

Where they hired the famous attorney...

Post 1061


Ben, I cannnot understand you, I love radio 2, the fact Campbells gone. But motorways? the drive up the M6 on friday was so vile that I went away and renewed my young persons rail card. I never realised that they now have traffic lights at the end of motorway slip roads around spagetti junction.

[The Search Is Over! Yay!!!]

Post 1062


Well, I've found two possible places to move to and I'm spending the long holiday weekend here to make my final decision. I'll share the details of my choice next week!

[The Search Is Over! Yay!!!]

Post 1063


Brilliant news FG smiley - biggrin

Dewey, Cheatum and Howe, best know for their innovative...

Post 1064

Witty Moniker

*Big storm passing through these parts.*

[The Search Is Over! Yay!!!]

Post 1065

a girl called Ben

Good luck with the deciding...

Well, I do like motorways, and I don't like them. I meant it kinda-ironically. But having said that, I do like driving and motorways are an easy place to do it providing they are not too congested.


[The Search Is Over! Yay!!!]

Post 1066

Montana Redhead (now with letters)

Told ya! Call me and tell me the details...

After combing every mall this side of the 91 freeway, I finally found a pair! They are brown, have a 2 inch heel, a round toe, and actually look good on my feet! (I also found out that I wear a half size smaller than I thought!)I am blissfully happy.

I also bought a shirt that I've wanted for a long time, and was finally on sale (80% off!), and a new battery for my car. I think the guy selling me the battery was disappointed that I actually knew what I was talking about...I hated my dad for forcing me to learn all that stuff about cars when I was a teen, but I'm thanking him now!

system of billing. The zombies were arraigned and bail was set at

Post 1067

Asteroid Lil - Offstage Presence

Got the printing done except for a few labels. Got everything pasted to posterboards. Got my index cards written. Got all the data internalised.

How could roundabouts be modified to handle flying cars?

system of billing. The zombies were arraigned and bail was set at

Post 1068


Oh, I like my new job. I am in a position to meddle in any pie I care to, and as the boss doesn't tend to do what I think he should do, I am going to have fun this year seeing how many of the somewhat shaky systems I can sort out, instead of waiting for him to do it.

Unless I actually find a good job in Britain, of course.

60,000.21 Moxons and a pair of...

Post 1069

marvthegrate LtG KEA

I am actually going to try to sleep tonight with no distractions to keep me awake..

flame patterened, steel heeled leather boots

Post 1070


FG, good news about the accommodation smiley - ok

Ben, are you sure you aren't running yourself ragged? I rather like motorways too, the M4 is a particularly well built road, all the cambers in the right place.

A possible retail opportunity this morning, but I'm not in the mood for buying clothes today, which will make H inordinately happy no doubt smiley - winkeye

Lil, good luck!

flame patterened, steel heeled leather boots

Post 1071


Hmmm. I recognise those boots!
smiley - bluefish

flame patterened, steel heeled leather boots

Post 1072



flame patterened, steel heeled leather boots

Post 1073

Amy the Ant - High Manzanilla of the Church of the Stuffed Olive


flame patterened, steel heeled leather boots

Post 1074


[boots] smiley - laugh

flame patterened, steel heeled leather boots

Post 1075


(Still having trouble with the firewall and the Beeb help desk haven't even replied smiley - grr)

Munchkin can't get on at all! (and our machines are linked smiley - huh)

He also says his smiley - hangover my not be helping.

Mmmmm retail therapy! I wanna buy a Hatstand! smiley - wah

fwhich proved a little difficult as the only pair in the country....

Post 1076


Hope you are all enjoying your retail therapy. I'm unfortunately at the receiving end of it today. Chaos! Everyone back from holiday and they all want blooms NOW! smiley - yikes. One wave has just departed so snatching a quick break before the next onslaught arrives...Saturdays are supposed to be fun smiley - wahsmiley - cross.
Oh no have to dash the roses are wilting in the sun smiley - run
take care

fwhich proved a little difficult as the only pair in the country....

Post 1077

a girl called Ben

Yes, Caer, I think I am close to running myself ragged. It seems to be something in the air at the moment. smiley - erm

I had actually come over here to say that I have made a conscious decision to not visit h2g2 for a while. Maybe a week, maybe a fortnight, maybe a month. Who knows.

My email and IM addies are on my U-Space, and at some time I may go back through the OTD backlog and add all of yours to my IM a/cs.

Take care my dears. I'll miss you, but this thread moves too fast to be a relaxing place to be.



fwhich proved a little difficult as the only pair in the country....

Post 1078

a girl called Ben

That sounded *so* snippy. I didn't mean it that way. smiley - grovel I just find keeping up with it a bit daunting right now. smiley - grovel again!


fwhich proved a little difficult as the only pair in the country....

Post 1079


smiley - hug

fwhich proved a little difficult as the only pair in the country....

Post 1080


Ben I think we all find the backlog here a somewhat daunting prospect.

I managed to see Mars in the telescope last night smiley - biggrin I could make out some dark regions on it's surface but the image was very wobbly due to it being low in the sky and all that air I had to look through moving around. Still was a grand sight to see smiley - ok

This afternoon we'll be off to the Victorian weekend over in the town (Glossop). A weekend where people dress up in period costume and the shopkeepers rework their shopfronts. Should be a different afternoon out. Also on for the weekend is the Glossop beer festival, should make for a good evening out as well smiley - ale

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